Naughty! (Fubuki Atsuya x Baby! Sister! Reader)

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The voice of crying of a baby girl was coming from the living room. Fubuki Atsuya, a teenage boy and big brother of little (Y/n) was besides her trying to cheer her up and nothing was working.

"(Y/n), look here, this is sweetie..." He said pointing at a cute pink teddy bear. But it wasn't working. Fubuki Shirou, big brother of Atsuya and (Y/n) was in kitchen preparing the bottle of milk for his cute baby sister. 

Their parents were out of town for a work. Fubuki Brothers were in charge of taking care of the baby. They don't know how to take care of a baby. But they were trying their best. 

"Aniki, is the milk ready?" Atsuya yelled a bit annoying from all the crying. 

"Yes, almost-- Ah!" He yelled from the kitchen. 

"Aniki, you okay?" Atsuya asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, the milk is just so hot." 

"Careful Aniki..."

The crying of (y/n) gets even louder which annoyed Atsuya even more. "(Y/n), just shut up and sleep already, okay? We have an important match of soccer a week later because of you we can't practice. So please, stop crying..." He scolded her as (y/n) was now staring at him, pouting and she wasn't crying anymore. This makes Atsuya happy that finally she stopped. 

"Aniki, our princess stopped crying..." He yelled to his bro. 

"Good job, Atsuya." He said as Atsuya clapped a bit and squeeze little one's cheek. (Y/n) start crying again. "Oh no..." 

"Please forgive me, (Y/n)..." 

Atsuya clasped his hand together, in a apologize manner. (Y/n) laughed a bit as Atsuya held both of his ear. And start doing sit and stands in order to make he happy. (Y/n) happily clap and giggled. 

"You NAUGHTY girl!" Atsuya mumbled as he got up and kissed his baby sister's forehead. (Y/n) giggled as Shirou stands there holding a bottle of milk, laughing at his brother's stupidness. 

The End~

Miyuki: Hey guys, sorry for a really late update. And also sorry if this chapter was a bit short. 

Inori: Actually, the author was really busy in college. So she hardly gets anytime for writing but she just make a new timetable to manage all study and other things including writing. 

Miyuki: Yep, She's in college so she has to work harder in order to get good grades. And her monthly test are at the end of September, her target is to get A+ in every subject. So that's why. 

Inori: Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, even though it's so short. This was requested by -skyprincess-. Hope you like it, Mizusky~ 😋😂

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