Chapter 31

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Delia ran through the crowded halls,not caring that she was pushing and shoving everyone and everything that stood in her way.
              "Watch it bitch!"some girl shouted when she pushed against her as she ran. She barely took notice of the stares,barely took notice of the whispers,the rumours,as she ran. She had to find him. She had to,before they did something bad to him,worse than before. Delia made a turn and ran out to the school field,not caring that her hair had slipped from the messy bun she had had it in and was now whipping behind her like a flag in the billowing wind. She was going to miss her next lesson,but honestly,she didn't care as long as she got to him before they did. Delia panted as she ran,feeling her muscles strain as she forced herself to go even faster,dodging the trees and ducking the low hanging branches that stood in her path . She tripped over a raised tree root she hadn't seen,falling almost immediately,the breath getting knocked right out of her as the entire world turned upside down right before her very eyes. Her knee throbbed,her palms stung,but she forced herself to get back up and kept on running despite the pain. She saw the clearing that led to the lake,hope welling up inside of her. Maybe Mona had been wrong. Maybe he had just come up here for some fresh get away from things. Maybe he wasn't in trouble,she thought,gasping for breath as she leaned onto the tree at her side for support once she got to the clearing. She looked around,seeing no sign of anyone until- her heart fell.They had already found him. And just like that,the hope inside of her disappeared,like a burning candle flame in the face of the wind.
            "Get away from him!" She shouted,running towards them. They had formed a circle around him,turning towards her at her words. Delia could barely see him,but she knew he was there.
               "Well look who's decided to come out and play,"the tallest one of them all said,smiling from ear to ear. There was something so...sinister about his smile. So dark,so wrong,that Delia's steps faltered as her heart thudded in fear. They were five of them in number,each one a senior like her,three of them star rugby players,two of them co- captains of the lacrosse team,every single one six feet tall and built like a brick wall. The fear that had slowly been creeping up her spine dissipated  when she saw Roman in the very centre of them all,and in it's place,pure, unadulterated anger rushing through her veins. His nose was red and bloody,dried up blood beneath it,right above his upper lip,his lower lip slightly swollen and slowly reddening. His left eye was nearly swollen shut,the skin over it a gruesome purple black,a thin slit running at the centre showing his red eye underneath. Right below it,was a small cut across his cheekbone,the blood already clotted dry,the skin around it a soft reddish pink,fading to a slight blue tinge to his left cheek. Something inside of her broke. They hurt him. They hurt Roman. And in a flash,a wave of raw ,hot anger swept through her,her hands clenching into fists so tightly that the skin around her knuckles and fingers became a ghostly white.
                  "What the fuck have you done?" She asked,her words quiet,the emotion beneath them burning so deep,it made his smile falter just a little bit.
                   "Delia,please,stay out of this!" Roman demanded,his expression pleading. And for a second,for just the barest of seconds, Delia considered following his words,if only to stop him from suffering more than he already had. But one more look at what they had done to him and the thought disappeared into thin air,white hot fury taking it's place.
                    "No Roman! These shitwads need to know  how to leave you the fuck alone,"Delia spat out,her voice menacing,her tone pure acid. She was so angry,she couldn't even see straight,her tiny frame trembling in fury. The tallest one,Greg,burst out laughing,tearing her focus from Roman to him. He stopped and looked at her,green eyes glinting maliciously,his pearly whites  bared to a condecending grin. Delia would never understand how someone so good looking could have such a fugly personality. What made it all the worse was that the girls in her school still had a crush on him,some even went to the extent of loving him. How could anyone love such a rotten creature?She wondered. Didn't they care that he was literally the devil's spawn from the pits of hell in human eye candy form? Or were they just too thick to realize it? Too superficial to care?
                      "Hear that guys? Sister freak over here thinks she can scare us off,"Gregory said,turning to the others who laughed at his words." Baby,I suggest you go back to whatever hole you crawled out from before things get messy,"he said,his smile falling off of his face,his face hardening." This doesn't concern you. It's between us and freakgeek over here. Leave or else,"he said,taking a threatening step forward.
                   "Delia,please,I am begging you. Just leave,I can fight my own battles. I don't want you to get hurt. Please...just go,"Roman said,his voice strong,his tone frustrated and pleading at the same time.
                     "I'm never going to leave you alone Roman. Ever. No matter what,"Delia said,her voice soft. She turned to face him,her expression hardening immediately." Unlike the rest of the retarded school,you don't scare me Gregorious Timothy Harper. I've faced bitches with more man in them than you'll ever have in your fucking life. You can beat my brother up,you can beat the entire school up,hell,you can even beat me up,but the fact still remains that you are nothing but an egocentric little shit too coward to face his own insecurities and problems,so like the coward he is,instead of facing them,he takes it out on others. Everything that you have, everything that you are Gregory,it's all because of your parents and their money. Not because of anything that you have done.Your car. Your grades. Your girls. Your looks. Everything.The second you realize that it's because of the privileges that you have that you have your power is the second you will know that you are nothing without them. You aren't special. You aren't powerful. You might run the school,but in reality,you're just a weak little boy whose daddy throws money at his problems to make him feel better. And that is why I'll never be afraid of you Gregory. You'll never have any real power over me. Or anyone else in this school." Delia said,walking towards them. They were all stunned to silence,their eyes wide in astonishment,but Delia could care less about their expressions at her little rant. Her eyes were only on him. Gregory stared at her,almost unbelievingly,his eyes wide,his brows arched. He opened his mouth to say something,then closed it again,the action sending a twinge of amusement down Delia's body. "What's the matter baby? The truth got your tongue?"She asked him,a  vicious smile of her own curving at her lips. Gregory's face turned red,out of anger or embarrassment,she didn't know,but she loved the look on his face. The rest of his crew was silent,waiting for what he would do. Then,he did something Delia never thought he would do given the circumstances. He smiled. His gorgeous smile showed off his pearly white veneers,dimples tainting his skin at the edges,enhancing his looks even further.
                   "You aren't scared of me,Delia,but you should be,"he said,his voice deathly calm,the beautiful smile still on his face."I'm going to make your life a living nightmare." Without so much as a warning,he turned around and pushed Roman's wheelchair off of the bridge,with him still in it.
                     "No!"Delia screamed,eyes wide,her heart frantic,her mind going blank as she ran onto the drawbridge and pushed past the guys. Without a second thought,she dived into the water mid run after him. Delia didn't even think about her clothes and shoes being soaked through. She didn't even think of how cold the water was,how it tore past her skin and eyes like ice bullets as she swam even faster,forcing herself to go deeper to get him. Delia saw Roman,eyes closed,body still. He looked so peaceful,his expression almost like that of him sleeping as he sank even deeper into the darkening waters. Delia propelled herself forward even faster,her lungs beginning to burn due to the lack of air. She stretched out and pushed herself forward,gripping one of his floating arms and tugging him towards her. His eye jerked open,and for a moment,he struggled to free himself from her grip. But Delia hang on to him,her eyes pleading,begging him to let her save him. His expression softened. He stopped struggling,and winded his arms around her shoulders,her own circling his waist as the other flapped as she swam them up to the surface, ignoring the painful burning in her chest,forcing her entire being to swim upwards despite the added weight of him. She had to do it. She had to save him. Delia began to feel light-headed,but she swam on anyway,sheer determination and desparation fuelling her upwards.  The surface got brighter and brighter until- Delia and Roman coughed and gasped for air,their heads emerging from the lake's surface. The dancing black spots in her vision began to clear as she heaved in more and more air into her lungs. Roman's head rested on her shoulder,his entire weight on her as she struggled to keep their bodies afloat. His eyes were closed,but he was still breathing. And for that, Delia's frantic heart beat slowed down just a fraction. Delia looked up at the group,still heaving for air. The others were nearly petrified with fear,a look of relief etched on their faces. Her eyes landed on Gregory,his pleased expression making her anger burn anew."He could have died Gregory!"Delia shouted, coughing when the water rushed into her mouth,choking her momentarily.
                   "Exactly. Remember that next time when you decide to fuck with me bitch,"Gregory replied,a wicked grin spreading across his face as he turned to leave,his crew following suit.
                     "Roman... Roman can you hear me?"Delia asked,her voice softening,her arms tired. She forced herself to swim to the edge of the drawbridge, throwing her arm over it for support. Roman slowly opened his good eye,the ash grey colour of his iris dark with emotion.
                     "You should have let me drown Dee,"he said sadly,a single tear rolling from his eye down to his wet cheek. Delia felt like someone had just pushed a dagger right into her heart. He actually wished he had died when Gregory pushed him.
                      "Don't say that. Don't you ever say that again,do you hear me Roman?" Delia asked,her voice so thick with emotion that her words were barely above a whisper,Tears welled up in her eyes at the sheer thought of him not wanting to be alive anymore,trickling down her cheeks when she realized he had been crying softly against her shoulder.Roman sniffed,not bothering to hide his tears.
                       "I'm just so...tired,"He said,his voice breaking at the end,his tears welling up afresh. Delia could barely hold it together,biting her quivering lip as her own tears rolled down her cheeks at the weight of his words. She inclined her head to meet his on her shoulder,feeling his body shake with the quiet sobs raking his body as he cried.
                     "I know Romrom,"she said,her voice soft. " But you can't give up. I...I won't let you. Even if you feel like you've reached the end,that you have given all there is to give and then given some more,even if you feel like giving up is your only option,that you're endlessly drowning in the darkness and slowly losing sight of the light, I'll be there for you. I will always be there to catch you when you fall. To keep your head up when you feel like you're drowning in the deep end. To bring you light in your deepest darkness. I will always try to save you,and I will gladly give my life so that you can live yours,so don't you dare say that you want to die. I love  you Roman,to infinity,more than you'll ever know. I'll always be here,even if you don't want me to. I just hope it's enough,"Delia said,her voice  strong with conviction. Roman sniffed and nodded.
                    "I love you too Dee. To infinity,"he said,sighing as he closed his eyes.
X.   X.    X.    X.    X.    X.   X.   X.
That chapter gave me a touch of the feels🥺😭
My loves🤗🤗🤗💕
How are you guys🥺. I hope you're all okay. I'm thinking of trying the style of writing in one of the character's POV.
Which character's perspective would you like to read from? Please comment below.
Thank you and keep reading,voting, commenting, sharing and following..
I love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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