Chapter 17

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And just like that,he kissed her.
Delia didn't want to kiss him back. She wasn't going to respond to anything that he did to her. And this time,she'd stand her ground.

Keiran's lips moved over hers firmly,near forcefully,trying to make her yield to him,or,at the very least,kiss him back. Delia didn't budge an inch. She didn't even move. All she did was close her eyes and hope that it would be over soon. Suddenly,Keiran pulled back. He looked at her briefly,and kissed her harder.

His hand went to the back of her head and clamped her hair into a fist as he forcefully tilted her head to the side. Delia gasped at the sudden action,giving him access to the inside of her mouth. His tongue traced small circles around the tip of hers,his lips still moulding hers,near massaging hers as he did. It took all Delia had not to moan at his actions,much less not kiss him back. Keiran pulled away again.

"This is your plan?" He asked,frustration etched deep in his face.
"You've decided you won't respond to me,at all?" He asked again,his voice a mixture of concealed emotions.

" Butterfly,you seem to forget that,you don't have any say concerning what I do to you. Especially to your body,"Keiran said,letting go of her hair and chin,losing all contact with her body completely." You will respond to whatever I do to you,whether you like it or not," Keiran said,his eyes growing darker. With that,he left the room.

Delia didn't know what he meant by the statement,but one thing was for sure. She wouldn't like it one bit. A dreary feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. Delia sighed and tried to relax her back a bit.

" Shit!" She cursed,the once dulling pain she had been feeling multiplying tenfold into an entire wave of pain,hot and scorching through her skin. Was she bleeding? Well...the pain was incredible she was not gonna lie but,she didn't think she was actually bleeding. If she were,the pain would be even worse,given that the fresh air and sweat from her body would seep into her cuts as she bled. A memory flashed before her eyes,making Delia immediately shut her eyes to force it to go back again.

No. She wasn't bleeding. Not this time. Most likely,she was bruised,and knowing her skin,was red and near purple all over,welts bordering the stripes left by the flogger. Come to think of it, a regular flogger wouldn't have hurt this bad. Delia remembered how,when he hit her,it felt like he was hitting her several places at once.

What the fuck did he use? Delia wondered, remembering the siund of the flogger as he let it fall to the ground when he was done. Her shoulders hurt as she tried to look around,moving her arms in the process. Then she saw it. Delia's eyes widened. The object had a thick wooden handle,carved to perfection from what looked like dark mahogany wood. At the end of the handle,were leather strips. Not one,not two. Several. Enough to make the strips just as thick as the handle that held them. Splayed on the carpet,their length magnified how malicious they looked even more. No wonder it felt like he was hitting her with several whips at once. The flogger was actually composed of several leather strips joined into one.

Where'd he even get this stuff for Pete's sake?,Delia wondered. She could only imagine the kind of marks that thing had left on her skin. And for him to actually use such an object on her,and not feel any remorse whatsoever...that said more about him than he would have thought. At once,the door clicked open again,and he walked in. Another wave of pure dread washed over her.

"If you won't respond to me because you want to, you'll respond to me because you have to." Keiran said,turning his back to her so that she couldn't see a thing he was doing,even if she wanted to. She heard something pop. She could literally hear the beating of her own heart as she watched Keiran's back and shoulder muscles contract and flex with every move he made. Whether it was with lust or just raw fear,she didn't know. She didn't even want to know at that point.

His tattoo actually came to life as he moved, the intricately drawn angel wing seemingly in some sort of flight as his ripped muscles moved against his bare sunkissed skin. Keiran turned around. Delia's eyebrows shot up in alarm.

" And do stay still Butterfly. We don't want anything going wrong now do we?" He asked,raising one of his gloved hands,his thumb pressing the piston of the syringe slightly. The needle weeped,a clear drop of the fluid in the syringe trickling down the wickedly sharp,long needle,disappearing down the syringe into the crook of Keiran's gloved hand. Delia went from afraid,to fucking terrified in a split second.

"What-what's that?" She asked,unable to keep the pure,unadulterated fear she felt from her voice.

"This?"Keiran began,so calm,you'd think he wanted to talk about the weather they were having. "This is 85 cc's of pure ecstasy. With just a hint,of the finest cocaine on the market,"he said, making his way to her. Delia could barely hear herself breathing with how loud her heart began to beat in her chest, the fast paced thrum surging in her blood.

"Keiran...Keiran,don't do this," Delia pleaded,trying desperately to move however she could. The chain hooking her handcuffs rattled as she desperately tried to move,desperately tried to get as far away as she could from him. But,it was of no use. Keiran was barely a step away from her.

"Butterfly,you don't have a choice," he said. In the blink of an eye,he grabbed her hair from the back and yanked her head to the side,exposing her pulsating artery. Delia tried to move,tried to free herself from his death grip,but with her hands suspended and bound,and with his hand still painfully twisting her hair in its grasp,forcing her head to stay still,there was little she could do.

"Keiran please! I-I'm sorry ok? Just please-please...let me go," Delia begged,desperation dripping from her voice,her neck so bent to the side,her head was literally pressed against her shoulder. She could barely move due to the pressure of his arm.

"Too late," Keiran said,his voice laced with something darker. Without any warning whatsoever,Delia felt a sharp pain shoot through her neck as the needle went in. Her gasp came out ragged and sudden,her eyes immediately screwing shut due to the pain. She felt the coolness of the syringe's plastic on her flushed skin as Keiran applied even more pressure to the piston,pushing it all the way to the end,making sure every last drop was in her body.

Again, pain seared from the spot when he slowly retracted the needle out of her skin. The pressure lessened when he loosened his fingers from the twist they had on her hair,then stopped altogether when he took his hand out of her hair completely,making her head fall back to its original position.

A dull ache settled itself where he had injected her,only intensifying when she moved her neck in any way. Delia forced herself to look up at him,ignoring the pain that followed as she did.

"Happy now?"she asked,the venom in her voice too stark not to get noticed. Funny enough...she felt... fine.

" Not yet Butterfly,but I will be. It just needs some...time," Keiran said,a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth,his hazel amber eyes a shade darker as he said the words.

Delia waited for a few seconds,trying to keep herself calm and collected,trying to listen to her body. Nothing.
Keiran had drugged her for nothing.

Delia was just about to open her mouth to gloat about what a colossal failure his plan was when,it finally kicked in.
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