Chapter 24

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"No!"Delia shouted,her fist immediately going to the side of Keiran's neck,the sheer force and pain of the blow making him let go of her immediately as he staggered sideways and onto his knees,groaning.Delia turned and began to run,blinded by panic and the sudden fall of hair over her eyes. And just as soon as she did,she felt herself collide head first into the reinforced steel shelves.Delia was knocked clean off of her feet,the thud resounding through the cellar.
"Butterfly!"Keiran shouted,watching as she fell to the ground,the back of her head hitting the floor with another sickening thud, and stayed there,barely moving. He sprang up from where he was. Fuck,that must have bloody hurt,he thought,remembering how loud the thwack of her head against the shelf sounded when she hit it. He kneeled before her body,eyebrows furrowed in worry. Keiran gingerly hooked his arm around her and picked her up into a half-seated,half lying position,his fingers brushing her hair from her face. Keiran let her lean on him,her head rolling over on his arm. Her eyes were closed,her inky black eyelashes resting on the top of her cheekbones. Already,her skin was starting to bruise,a pinkish reddish patch spreading from her scalp to the top of her eyebrows at the centre of her forehead."Butterfly can you hear me?" He asked,the barest hint of desperation tainting his voice. As if by their own accord,his fingers moved to the side of her face,grazing the skin there ever so softly. "Butterfly?" He asked again,getting ready to carry her upstairs. For all he knew,she could have sustained a concussion or something. Delia stirred,her eyes moving beneath her eyelids before they fluttered open. Keiran sighed in relief.She winced and shut them again,gritting her teeth at how badly her head was pounding against her skull.
"What...what happened? What did you do?" She asked,half opening her eyes to look at him. Delia tried to sit up straight,whimpering a bit from the sheer pressure and pain she felt settling at the back of her eyes.
"What did I do? You're the one who rammed head first into the shelf," Keiran answered,barely able to keep the laughter from his voice. No doubt,he was still concerned about her,but that didn't make what happened any less funny. "Your head practically bounced off the shelf the moment it hit the surface,"Keiran continued,not bothering to hide how amusing he found the action.
"Don't laugh at me,"Delia said,trying to sound annoyed despite the smile that tugged at her lips. She had to admit,it actually was kinda funny,especially with how he explained it.Keiran helped her up. Almost immediately,pain shot right through her head,from between her eyes straight to the back. Delia hissed,her hands to the sides of her head as she fell back down to the floor,screwing her eyes shut.
"Fuck,"he cursed softly,dropping to his knees beside her."Are you ok?" He asked,barely registering the amount of concern he was letting show in his voice. His arms immediately encircled her,holding her up as he watched her,his brows furrowing deeply. Once the pain sort of subsided,Delia let out a shaky breath,her fingers slipping off of her face,daring to open her eyes again. Her head hurt like hell, but she forced herself to fully open her eyes and try to sit up. Delia all but gasped,her breath getting caught in her throat as she immediately met Keiran's eyes on her. It wasn't until then that she realised how close they actually were. Keiran's head was literally above her own,mere inches away,his chestnut brown locks darker in the dim light,so dark that they bordered a coal black,his perfectly arched eyebrows easing slightly from the frown they were so deeply etched in. His hazel amber eyes were darker now,like dark pools of never ending chocolate against the whites of his eyes,his long eyelashes edging them in. However,what had literally taken her breath away wasn't the unfair beauty his eyes held,rather,it was the sheer intensity that he looked at her with. She was so used to the blank stare he always regarded her with,his eyes betraying nothing of his emotions inside,that all the emotions swirling inside his eyes were quite frankly, a welcome shock to her. The only other emotion he had ever shown her was,well,anger. But this...this...whirlwind in his was incredible. Slowly,his lips tugged upwards. It was just a fraction,but the action made her heart flip. But just as soon as it came,the smile was gone. "You're hurt," he said,his voice slightly strained,the frown back again.
"It's not as bad as it looks,"Delia said,poorly concealing the wince that crossed her face when a particularly painful throb stabbed her head.
"I'll get you something to help with the bruising and the pain," Keiran said,"Can you walk?" He asked,the concern seeping through his voice again.
"Yeah,I guess. Can you?"She asked,looking at the dried up blood on his right foot.
"I'll manage.Come on.We'll get cleaned up. You'll find what you need in your room. Make sure you take it,ok?" He asked,his voice firm now.
"I will," Delia answered,using her arms to support herself into a sitting position,getting ready to stand up. The position added even more pressure to her head,but she did it anyway. Keiran helped her up to her feet the best way that he could,putting one of her arms over his broad shoulders,one of his own muscular ones over her waist to give her extra support.
"After you've taken the medication and are well rested,we'll meet in my office to go over the new contract ok Butterfly? At around 7 after dinner. I'll have your's brought up to your room so you won't have to go down to have it." Keiran said,his voice surprisingly gentle. Despite how reassuring and surprisingly thoughtful his words were,Delia couldn't help the sinking feeling of dread that settled in her stomach.
"Okay. Thank you," she replied quietly. She had failed. He had promised her severe retribution for her actions. This time,she knew nothing would make him relent. She had to pay the devil his dues. And she knew that the price was going to be steep.
Hey my beautiful readers. Thank you for all the reads and votes.😊😊.
Ilya.❤💙Keep reading,please vote and share.

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