Chapter 27

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For a second,Delia wanted to pretend that she hadn't heard him. For a second, all she wished for was that things could be different,and not just her arrangement with Keiran. That she actually had someone she could have intimate moments with who cared for her. Who loved her. But the vicious circle never changed,she reminded herself. Instead of hoping for someone,anyone,to save her from herself,from her life,she had to accept that sometimes...sometimes it's really as bad as it seems. That not all of us were destined for a happily ever after after all. And that this was her life now. Slowly,Delia unwrapped her legs from his waist and let them fall to the ground, loosening her grip on his shoulders then letting go completely when she was sure she could stand on her own two feet. Remembering his instructions on how she was to present herself to him,she stood there in front of him,head bowed,hands intertwined neatly over her bare torso. She could feel Keiran's burning gaze on her,but she didn't dare look up to him.
"You can look up now Butterfly. You'll need your eyes for this next part,"he said,breaking the pregnant silence between them. Delia slowly looked up,taking care to mask each and every emotion she was feeling at that time,her face blank." I'm going to rope you to the metal bar over there,"Keiran said,turning to the curved thick metal pole wedged into the floor near the wall. "And then I'm going to cane you,"he finished,trying unsuccessfully to mask the grin that tugged at his firm,full lips. Delia's eyebrows shot up in utter surprise.
"Cane me?Like...with a stick?"Delia asked, incredulous,having never had to face corporal punishment before in her life.
"No. With a stone,"Keiran replied,not bothering to suppress an eye roll."It is perfectly within the stipulations of the contract Butterfly. You saw it,didn't you?"he asked,cocking his head to one side as he looked at her. Then she remembered. Fuck,I agreed to that? She wondered, mentally slapping herself for not paying keener attention to the clauses in the contract. "Normally,I'd let you choose where you'd want me to hit you,your back,legs,hands,ass,but this time,I get to choose. And how many times,"he added,his eyes glinting wickedly. Delia already knew where he had chosen to cane her. "Bend over the bar Butterfly,"he said,the huskiness of his voice making her cheeks burn. Of course,Delia wanted to protest. She wanted to question why he got to choose where this time and not her. She wanted to tell him that she would not have her dignity,what was left of it anyway,stripped away from her by letting herself get punished like a mere child. And stark naked for that matter. She wanted to tell him that he could shove the contract and its stipulations up his psychotic ass for all she cared. But she couldn't. She wasn't doing this for herself. She was doing it for Roman. And the sooner she agreed was the sooner it would be over. Hopefully.
"Is there something you wanted to say Butterfly?"Keiran asked,adding insult to injury. He knew she didn't want to do it. He knew she wanted to protest,in fact,he was hoping she did. It would make it all the more satisfying when he finally got his way anyway. Keiran watched as a flash of anger crossed her eyes. He watched as Delia's hands fisted and she drew in breath. Here it comes,he thought,already prepared for the fight she was going to give him on the matter.
"No,"she spat out through gritted teeth,walking to the bar,hands still tightly fisted at her sides. Keiran was,well, surprised and just slightly disappointed that she agreed so willingly,but the sheer adrenaline coursing through his veins at the prospect of what he was about to do to her outweighted the rest of his emotions. The bar was waist high made of thick, reinforced steel. Delia stopped in front of it, wondering whether to hold it as she bent over or just completely lie on top of it face down.
"Hold it with both hands Butterfly. Then bend over,"Keiran instructed,his voice startling her when she realized he was right behind her. Delia stretched out her hands and gripped the bar,letting it support her weight as she bent a little. "No. Not like that. Hold the bar,stretch out your arms fully then bend. Make sure your head is in between and level with your shoulders. Straighten out your back." Delia got hold of the bar,stretched out her arms and did exactly that. Immediately,Delia felt Keiran's hand on the small of her back,just centimeters away from her bare ass. Delia gasped at the coldness of his fingers on her warm flushed skin. "Bend. Lower,"he said again,his hand pressing down the small of her back,forcing her to bend even lower than before. She couldn't help but notice how dark his voice had grown as he said it,need already stirring at the pit of her stomach. Inwardly,Delia cursed herself. Here she was,about to be canned till she could barely stand let alone sit,and all she could think about was how sexy Keiran's voice sounded when he was turned on. What the actual fuck was wrong with her? She wondered,bending her legs to accustom herself to the position she was now in. "Stand up straight. Don't bend your legs at the knee,"Keiran said,his voice as smooth as velvet. Delia did as she was told, straightening her legs all while remaining bent in that position, automatically arching her back and raising her ass even higher than before. She jumped a little when she felt both of Keiran's hands over her ass,feeling him pressed against her bare flesh when he took a step forward towards her. Keiran let his fingers trail over her soft round globes in appreciation,noting the finger marks he had left on her skin with how hard he had been gripping her ass earlier on. If he let his hands trail down just the slightest bit further...well...just thinking about it made his dick even harder. His thumbs trailed circles over her ass as he squeezed it. Keiran moved even closer, literally pressing himself on to her,letting her feel just how much she turned him on. It took all Delia had not to moan at his touch,at the feel of his dick pressed on to her ass even through the jeans he had worn,biting her lower lip to stay quiet. "Perfect,"he said,unable to stop himself from slightly jerking his hips forward towards her,the sheer contact of their bodies making Delia tighten her grip on the bar even more. Keiran slowly let her go and stepped away from her,taking his time to admire just how pretty her ass looked in that position.
"I am going to tie your wrists with rope to the metal bar. Then I am going to put duct tape over your mouth as a gag. Or would you prefer it if I didn't tape you?"Keiran asked,folding his arms because he knew he wanted to grab her ass again.
"No. Do it,"Delia said,still bent over,trying to shake off the fear that was slowly creeping into her. She wasn't sure whether she could control herself soundwise when he was carrying out the punishment." many strokes will you give me?" She asked, mentally face palming herself for not asking that earlier. For all she knew,Keiran was prepping her for an endless beating.
"Five,"he replied,tying her first wrist with the rope.
"Five? That's all?" She asked,not believing she had heard him right. Keiran sighed.
"You know I don't like repeating myself Butterfly. Yes,five. Only,"he replied,winding the rope to tie her other wrist. She felt a slight pinch as he tightened the rope,binding her to the metal bar underneath.
"Five then we're done?"Delia asked,hardly believing her luck.
"I never said that,did I Butterfly?"Keiran asked,moving to go get the duct tape. Of course,she thought.
"So you're still going to punish me? How?"Delia asked, wondering what else he could possibly have in mind.
"Don't worry. It won't hurt. Physically at least,"he said,his words tainted with hidden meaning. Delia shifted her weight from one foot to another in panic.
"Keiran,what is the next punishment? And what do you mean by it not going to hurt physically?"Delia asked,half afraid of what the answer would be.
"Whether or not it will hurt,and how it will hurt is up to you,"He answered vaguely,ripping the new pack of duct tape open.
"But.."she began.
"Shh. You'll ask me later. You aren't even done with the first one,"Keiran said, effectively shutting her up by putting the duct tape over her mouth. Delia began to protest,but her words were muffled and barely audible,so she gave up on the second word. Keiran disappeared from her line of sight. What in the world did he mean by how it would hurt was up to her? What if- "Ok Butterfly. I am going to start now. Five strokes. I'm using a bamboo stick custom made from Japan. Do not fidget or disturb me otherwise the strokes will increase. And your feet should remain on the ground at all times until the end,your body in the same position,for your own safety Butterfly. Wouldn't want us to hit something precious now would we?" He asked,the barest hint of amusement in his voice as he moved to her side. He placed his hand on the small of her back again,firmly keeping her in that position. Delia straightened her legs and held her breath,bracing herself for the worst. And come it did.
Delia heard the swoosh of the cane in the air a fraction of a second before it landed on her body. Delia gasped,her feet rising just in the slightest as pain radiated all over her backside. Her heart beat louder,her breath already rising. "One,"Keiran said,cutting through the static silence. Even before Delia had the chance to steady her breathing,Keiran hit her again,harder this time,on the lower curve of her ass. The pain was unbelievable. Delia breathed in heavily,harder now that she was using her nose only for the job. Her whole body broke into sweat,tears welling up in her eyes due to the white hot pain radiating all the way to her upper thighs. Keiran waited until she had completely taken control of her breathing and stood perfectly still before hitting her again. Delia hadn't expected it at all,a sound between a surprised gasp and a scream of pain fell from her lips,her feet rising to her tippy toes,her back arching inwards,any other movements restricted by the rope over her wrists. Delia could literally feel her skin heat up due to the force behind it,the pain making her eyes well up again. "Feet down Butterfly,"Keiran said sternly,hitting her the moment her feet touched the ground. Delia's lower body immediately rose up,her cry of pain coming out as a muffled,strangled sound,the tears she had struggled to keep at bay trickling down her cheeks. Her legs trembled as the pain she felt threatened to cripple her. She couldn't continue keeping her weight up. Not when it felt like Keiran was beating her ass to a pulp."Don't you dare buckle your knees Butterfly. It's your fault you are getting punished not mine. Stand up straight,"Keiran spat out,his hand forcing her back to arch even lower,his words making her straighten her legs immediately. His razor sharp words only served to make her tear up even faster,Delia working hard to blink them away. Only one left. The problem was,she couldn't possibly tell when he'd strike again. He varied the intervals in between. Her legs were already weak from the strokes,her arms stiff from being in that position all that while. Delia heard the cane cut through the air once more before landing on her ass with a loud thwack. Delia couldn't help it when she cried out again,the sound more of a whimper than a groan,the tears trickling down her cheeks as she lowered her legs from the tip toe position they had assumed at the feel of the stroke."Five,"Keiran said,walking to the front to let her go. Delia kept her head down as she felt him untie her wrists,the pressure of the rope on her skin no more. Once he was done,Delia stood up. Pain seared through her, first from her lower back for bending for so long in such a position,and from her ass and the back of her upper thighs. She quickly wiped away the tears that stained her cheeks with the back of her hands,sniffing in a bid to try and clear her stuffy nose. Slowly,she peeled back the tape from her mouth,wincing slightly as her skin stung when she did. She licked her dry lips and closed her eyes to try and get rid of the last remaining tears still swimming in her eyes. Digging her nails into the palms of her hands at the sheer burn of the pain she was currently feeling,Delia forced herself to straighten up to her full height,her teeth tightly grit together at the flash of even more pain.
"Are you okay Butterfly?" Keiran asked her. Delia nearly scoffed. The guy actually had the decency to sound sympathetic.
"Yes,"she grit out,her eyes avoiding his gaze,knowing fully well that not answering warranted more disciplinary action.
"You're developing some welts on your skin there,"Keiran stated,still trying to catch her eye with his. Ignoring the pain,and the fact that she was still stark naked in front of him,Delia half turned to see. Despite not being able to see the entire surface fully,Delia had to admit that Keiran was right. Her entire ass was pink,the skin where the strokes landed a colourful myriad of various shades of red. Some a faint pink,others a bruising purple,most of them a fleshy,angry red. Near the centre especially,were tiny white marks,bumps rather,that had began forming. If she didn't treat them soon,the next few days would be hell, especially when it came to sitting. "Let me get the cream for you,"Keiran said,walking to one of the cabinets drilled into the wall. He came back,a tiny white container in his hand. "Here," he said,giving it to her." Apply it right now so that the welts and swelling can go down. Then apply morning and evening for the next two days to help with any and all discomfort or pain that may arise especially when sitting,"he instructed. Delia nodded. She waited for him to get out,or at the very least turn around so that she could apply the cream, but Keiran remained exactly where he was.
"Do you mind?" Delia asked,impatience getting the better of her.
" want me to leave so that you can apply the cream?" He asked,the barest hint of amusement in his voice. "A little too late for that now don't you think? There's nothing I haven't seen before Butterfly. Don't get shy on me now," he finished smirking. Realizing that Keiran wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon,and that he had seen every part of her,Delia sighed in frustration.
"Fine,"she said, unscrewing the cap off of the container and dipping two of her fingers in the chalk white cream. She put the cream on her hands. Feeling his gaze on her,Delia gingerly applied the cream onto her burning skin. She was barely touching the skin to begin with,yet she was a second away from screaming bloody murder from how much it stung when she so much as touched the angry welts. To her surprise,she actually began to feel better. The cream felt so cool against her skin that Delia let out the breath she had been holding all that while. In mere seconds,the pain she had been feeling reduced tremendously. Once done,she passed the container back to Keiran,folding her arms over her chest in an attempt to hide the bullet hard nipples on her tits. Keiran's eyes immediately fell to her chest. It was then that she realized that by folding her arms over her breasts,she had made them even more pronounced. There's just no winning with this guy, is there? she wondered as she cleared her throat." So...what now?" Delia asked him, successful in drawing his attention from her bare,luscious,full chest to her face. Keiran took a deep breath and unclenched his fists.
"Now we move on to your next punishment. The one that doesn't involve physical punishment. Come with me,"he said,opening the door and walking out of the room. Delia tried to suppress the dread biting at the pit of her stomach as she followed him. Just before she stepped outside the room,it hit her. She had no clothes on. She looked up to see Keiran walking on ahead,clearly unbothered by her current state of undress. Oh well. At least there wasn't any body else in the house at that time,she reasoned. Arms still crossed over her chest,Delia walked fast to reach Keiran,having to walk twice as fast to match his long strides as they made their way to the other side of the hall. Abruptly, Keiran stopped and turned to the door on his left. Of course,Delia had passed that door before,but hadn't ever known what was in it because it was locked. And Keiran had warned her that she wasn't,under any circumstances,to go through any of the locked doors in the house without his explicit instruction. Keiran's eyes never left her as she walked towards her,his predatory gaze quickly making the nervousness inside her grow into a whirlwind of pure panic. All sorts of images flooded her mind as she thought of what could be behind the door. For all she knew,it might have been a torture chamber,or a sex dungeon. Keiran said that in this punishment,he wouldn't hurt her physically. But that didn't mean he couldn't make her do it to herself. After all,he did say the pain she would experience depended on her entirely." Ready Butterfly?"Keiran asked, interrupting her train of thought.
"As I'll ever be,"she answered,trying to keep the fear out of her voice. He got the key to the room from a pocket in his jeans and slid it into the lock. With a smooth flick of his wrist,the door clicked open.
"Ladies first,"Keiran said,offering her passage to go in first. Here goes nothing, Delia thought,the utter dread she felt nearly numbing her entirely. Her hand trembled in the slightest as she gripped the handle and pushed the door open. She went in.
X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X
Guess who thought you guys are such awesome people for all the votes and reads she had gotten recently thus decided to update early?This girl☺️.
Thank you by the way,for all the continued support.🥺🤗🤗♥️
You know I love you guys right?💕💕💕💕
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