Chapter 3

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He didn't stop.
He groped her,literally, everywhere,touching, squeezing, claiming.The pain was blinding.
It was her body,but apparently, he owned it. Already,she was beginning to feel light headed,a coppery taste in her mouth. Blood. She couldn't even breathe properly,the strain of what he was doing to her making the ache in her chest flare to white hot pain. Even before his assault, his 'punishment' had already taken a toll on her,and now,it was even worse. She...she couldn't go on.
  "Kei...Keiran..." She stuttered, barely able to get the words from her mouth before he kissed her,long and hard. She let her eyes close as he did,his lips moving over hers sensually. He hadn't shoved his tongue down her throat just yet,and for that,she was grateful, knowing very well that in her current state,she'd have gagged and possibly thrown up at the action. She opened her eyes when he broke away from her,his lips sucking at the spot just below her ear. And it drove her insane. Even in her condition, she couldn't help but gasp and sigh as the pleasure of it washed over her in waves. But her body was still in absolute pain. Her vision began to grow dimmer and dimmer,spots dancing before her very eyes. He had heard her,but she knew he wouldn't stop. She had to. Even though she utterly hated the word, she had to use it.
  "M..master" she said,her voice a broken whisper as her vision blurred. A wave of dizziness washed over her. Her breath came out in gasps,the pain barely allowing her to breathe normally even for a single second. The pain grew tenfold. She gasped and heaved for air,the pain running from the back at her spine to the center of her chest the only thing she could feel.  
"" she stammered amidst gasps,feeling herself fall onto him,her head on his shoulder. Immediately, he stopped,supporting her weight as it unexpectedly fell onto him" Fuck" she heard him curse. She wasn't unconscious... She was just...well...her body had just shut down or something.
   "Ok. Ok." He said,taking a deep breath ,letting it go slowly.

"Butterfly?" He asked,his voice much calmer now. She tried to move...tried to respond,but she could only make a sort of strangled sound in her throat when she tried.
"Delia?" He asked. It was the first time he had called her by her rightful name. Delia felt a twinge of ...happiness? In her. He sighed.

"I'm letting you go now,then I'm going to undo the chains" he said. At once,Delia felt herself in the air,her arms screaming in pain as they were forced to ,once again,support her entire weight. She could feel the burning pain,but she couldn't do anything even if she wanted to. Delia heard the Lock click open when he slid the key in,her body slumping to one side before he did the other one. Just before she could hit the ground, she felt his strong arms over her body. She felt him carry her,her head leaning on his chest,his arm under her legs as he held her closer to him. She wasn't the lightest girl around,but Keiran carried her like she didn't weigh a thing.         
   Delia didn't even have the strength to open her eyes and see where he would take her. She really didn't care,as long as she wasn't suspended from the ceiling again,she was ok with whatever he had in mind. She heard him open a door and get in. A few more steps and he stopped.
With a gentleness that surprised her,he lay her on something very ,very soft,making her body appreciate the sheer comfort of the surface. Probably my bed, Delia thought to herself. She felt something cover her bare chest, warming her up almost instantly.

"You'll be alright Butterfly. I promise" She heard him say,his voice soft. She felt the bed depress slightly to her right as he sat next to her. He took her hand in his and gently stretched it out towards him. It hurt like fuck,but Delia held back from making a single sound,keeping her eyes shut all the while. If Keiran knew she wasn't unconscious, he'd probably take her back to the play room and finish what he had started. He'd probably get even more turned on,given the sheer pain radiating across her body. And if he lost control, he'd probably end up fucking her,with her re- suspended from the ceiling. Delia knew she wouldn't be able to handle that. Her body had been hurt. Badly. Any more damage and she would never fully recover.
    Delia felt something cool on her wrist,Keiran's fingers gingerly massaging it into her bruised skin. She felt him wrap something over it,then he did the same with her other one. She felt him slowly begin to massage her arms,his hands and skilled fingers running over her skin like velvet. It was painful at first,but the more he continued, the more the pain began to subside. The real pain came when he lifted her arms over her head to get to her pits. It took all she had not to make a single sound as the movement sent a fresh wave of pain coursing through her shoulders and arms again. He repeated his actions from before-the cool substance,the material. In no time,both her arm pits had some...thing wrapped around them,running over her shoulders. Finally,she felt him slowly turn her face towards him. Delia's breath caught in her throat. Any second now,he'd kiss her,the brutality of his kisses making her shudder in fear of the pain that would follow. She stiffened, hoping he hadn't noticed her movement. Instead of his lips,she felt his finger over her lower lip,dabbing something over it. Judging by how much it stung over her wounds,Delia guessed it must gave been disinfectant or some other equivalent. However, Keiran dabbed something over it that made the pain disappear almost immediately. He covered her fully,his fingers skimming over her face to rid it of the hair strands that fell over it.
" Goodnight Butterfly " she heard him say before she heard his footsteps ,and heard the door open and close. He was gone.

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