Chapter 23

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Needless to say,the cellar itself was dark,the only source of light being the windows lined up high in the far end of the room,elevated to a point that the light from outside could get in,but just barely. He should have switched on the lights before going down the stairs,but he didn't feel like going back up again. Going down was hard enough. Seeing as how the entrance to the cellar was a flight of stairs going all the way down,the opposite walls so close to each other that he was able to use them as a support to help him walk,each hand on each wall every step of the way,he got to the bottom faster than he'd have imagined.Keiran looked around. The light wasn't much to go by,but he was able to make out most of what was in the room. Keiran loved wine. Loved it. It was not surprising therefore that he had made sure there'd be ample space to have his wine cellar even before he bought the mansion. Granted he also liked his whiskeys,champagnes,scotch and vodkas,but he had taken his time learning about wine,travelling,sampling,and finally coming home with bottles upon bottles of some of the best wines ever made on earth. The bottles were in custom made shelves,the shelves built into sturdy wall units arranged vertically in rows filling half the room. The rest of the space was separated into different stocks of whiskey,brandy and the like,the barrels neatly arranged to the side. She was here...he could feel it. He just didn't know where.
"Where are you my blue eyed Butterfly?" He asked loudly,his voice piercing the silence of the room. Keiran gingerly placed his injured foot onto the cold concrete ground. The pain was there,but it was only unbearable if he stepped hard enough. And judging by how the blood had already dried up and how he was no longer trailing blood every where he went,the cut seemed to have stopped bleeding,probably clotted up for the time being. The thought of all that damage being her fault was enough to make his blood boil anew. Keiran tried taking slow steady breaths,tried to steady his trembling hands. They weren't trembling due to fear. They were trembling due to anger. He clenched them into hard fists,knuckles whitening instantly with the sheer force he was using. There was a slight throbbing right behind his left ear. The headache was already starting and pretty soon,he'd have a raging migraine. He forced himself to take another deep breath,closing his eyes in an effort to control it again. The moment his eyes shut,the memories came back again. Keiran gasped and opened his eyes immediately,his breathing coming out ragged,palms sweaty,his head ache spiking. His fists tightened,his skin literally crunching at the effort,his teeth grinding hard against each other. Taking one last deep breath,he felt it flood him. He let it fill him. He didn't try to fight it this time. Slowly,his fists unclenched,his breathing even again. Delia was so dead.
"You won't tell me where you are,will you Butterfly?" Keiran asked,his voice empty as he slowly walked forward. The pain wasn't as much now. He hardly even felt it. "You wanna play Butterfly? Fine. I'll play,"he added,eyes alert,as he moved across the room. "Marco," Keiran shouted,drawing the end of the word longer for the effect. He passed through the first unit of shelves,then the second. "Polo," he answered,his eyes running over the third and fourth unit. He limped to the end of the units,his careful eyes meticulously looking through every space,every nook and cranny of the units,and the spaces in between. "Marco!"he shouted again,the loudness of his voice all the more amplified by the deafening silence.
Delia's heart thumped even faster and faster as the seconds ticked by. She had heard him the moment he had come in and for the umpteenth time,she cursed herself for being so stupid as to run into the bloody cellar to begin with. What the hell was she thinking? She was trapped and Keiran knew it too. There was no way she could get out from where she was without him seeing her. But...maybe she can put as much distance between both of them to be able to make a run for the stairs and get out of the cellar? The windows here weren't even an option. They were way too high up,and were probably sealed shut by the looks of it. If she decided to make a run for it,Keiran wouldn't be able to catch up with her right? His foot looked pretty bad the last time she saw it. Could she make it though?
"I can hear you breathing Butterfly,"she heard him say." And right now,you're breathing so very,very,loud." At this,Delia clamped her hand over her mouth,forcing herself to steady her breathing so that she wasn't making a single sound. His voice got closer and closer. "You know I have IED Butterfly?" Keiran asked. His casualness surprised her. He made it sound as if he had just asked if he could make her coffee later." I also have Bipolar II Disorder. It co-occurs with IED sometimes. I am one of those sometimes." Delia frowned. He had never mentioned anything like that to her. Though it did explain a lot now that she thought about it." I bet Alexa told you all about it that night," he began," I bet she told you how I have a problem controlling my rage,you know,when she wasn't too busy kissing you on the balcony like you belonged to her," Keiran continued,his voice betraying just the slightest amount of bitterness. Delia rolled her eyes. He was never going to let that go, was he? His voice grew louder. He was close. Delia heard him as he got closer and closer still to where she was,his injured foot making him limp all the way. Delia held her breath. Her heart was beating so loud. So loud that she could hear it pounding even in her own ears,so loud that it was a wonder how he hadn't heard it yet from where he was. Please don't find me. Please ,please don't find me,she begged in her head. She heard him as he moved. He was so close to her then,she could hear him breathe. Could practically feel his presence next to her. Relief washed over her when he moved right past her. Delia sighed. "Do you even know what IED is Butterfly?" He asked,barely masking the contempt he had for her intelligence in his voice. Delia scowled. Of course she knew what it was. Well...not really knew,but she had heard of it,and had a vague idea of what it was about. That had to account for something,right? "It stand for Intermittent Explosive Disorder,and yes,it is an actual disorder," he said nonetheless,walking away." No,I don't go to therapy or whatever for it,"Keiran began," I can't go to a psychiatrist or some shitty shrink just to talk about my feelings," he said,laughing slightly at the end. "Can you imagine it Butterfly? Me,on some stranger's couch having a bloody heart to heart about what I feel?" At this,he laughed outright.His laugh reverberated through the room. As much as she didn't want to,Delia smiled a bit. It was such a lovely sound to hear." But see the thing is, I have tried it," Keiran said,his voice distant." Its not like I did it out of my own will Butterfly. I was forced to go. And,I was young. I couldn't stop it," his tone had changed in the slightest at the confession. It almost seemed as if he were...sad?" That's the mistake they made. A mistake many people make even today. See,you can take someone to therapy,or rehab for that matter,but whatever you do,whatever you tell them,if they don't want to get better, if they don't see the need for them to change, they won't. Its that simple." Keiran paused for a minute,letting what he had said to sink in. As much as she hated to admit it,he was right. Delia had experienced first hand what he was talking about.
"Therapy stopped,and you know what took its place? He asked,his voice calm." Medication." Keiran said,his voice even further away,but she could still hear him perfectly." And I hated every minute of it," he stated,his tone dark. "So...I stopped taking them," he declared, his tone light,somewhat delighted by what he had done." I know what you're thinking Butterfly. But,those drugs were making me worse. Bad enough I could barely understand what was going on half the time. Worse still that I was sick every single day. And tired. Those little pills fucked me up so bad I barely had enough energy to walk. I had to stop taking them. So I did. But I had to do something. I had to make them think that I was getting better. That's when I started teaching myself control," Keiran said,his voice coming back again.
"I know it sounds easy, but trust me Butterfly. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I had no pills for it,no fucking therapy, and I had to make people believe I was getting cured,or better at the very least. It was hard,but I did it. I built it up from scratch. Then you know what happened Butterfly?" Keiran asked. He didn't bother waiting for an answer." The one thing people should understand when it comes to those with any form of mental disorder or incapability,or even addiction,is that relapses happen. And I am not saying that to justify whatever goes wrong in such relapses. All I am saying is,as long as the problem is still there,there is no guarantee whatsoever that things will get better instead of worse. You happened. You made me relapse Butterfly," Keiran said,his voice close,but not too close. Delia's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"You triggered it. By causing me the kind of pain you did when I accidentally stepped on the glass that you shattered in the hopes of slowing me down. As if that wasn't enough,you then stomped on my foot. The same one that got glass embedded in it so deep,it will leave a permanent scar once it heals. Not a faint one either. You see,in my case, that kind of pain was the trigger. Tell me Butterfly, how does it feel knowing that after all the hard work I had put in for years to build up control, after years of suppressing memories,you threw my hard work out the window in barely an hour. How does it feel knowing that I relapsed into this vicious cycle after years of being clean,years of maintaining a spotless record,of conquering my disorder,only for you to bring it back again,along with long forgotten ghosts of my past Butterfly? Tell me. How. Does. It. Feel?" He hissed,his words so cold,Delia shuddered. "And you would call me unfair for wanting you to suffer as I have? After all,knowingly or not,the fact still remains that you are the reason I have relapsed,and I don't think I have the patience to start learning control again,"Keiran said,his voice clearer than before. He was getting closer to her again. Delia waited for him to say more. He didn't. An entire minute passed. Nothing. Panic began to well up inside her. It was quiet. Too quiet. Where...where was he? Without him talking to her,there was no way she'd be able to tell where he was,or how close to her he was. Suddenly,Delia felt herself being yanked up by her hair. She gasped,pain and panic coursing through her body. Her hands automatically went to his hand that had a hold on her hair. Delia tried hitting his hand and arm with her hands,even resorting to clawing his arm with her nails,but he wouldn't budge. He had a good hold of her hair in his grip,winding the length of it around the width of his hand such that even the simplest tug he made at her was painful. And right then,it felt like he was ripping her hair off her scalp. Delia's eyes began to water due to the pain,both her hands at his arm,trying to alleviate some of the force he was using to pull on her hair to make it more bearable. She was forced to stand up from her seated position,Keiran mercilessly and relentlessly pulling hpullingy her hair till she was fully on her feet.
"Polo,"he said,the malicious tone in his voice spiking something in her. Not panic. Fear.
Hey my sexy af readers♨(I couldn't find the fire emoji😢😅)😆😘
This month is Mental Awareness month. Feel free to research(we all know this means Google 😉😂😆) any facts you don't know of or aren't sure of about any mental illness,condition or disorder. The more we know,the better equipped we will be in handling and helping those who need our help.💕😇☺.
And take care of yourselves too. Your mental health matters❤💙💚💜💛💖

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