Chapter 25

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"Do you agree to the clauses stipulated in the contract Delia?"Keiran asked,his deep,velvety voice breaking the silence between them. For a moment,she let herself be distracted by their surroundings, not quite ready to answer him yet. His office was nothing short of what she had expected. In dark tones of grey,red and white, the office looked more of a personal lounge room than a professional work space. His large mahogany desk was the only thing standing in between them,the deafening silence echoing the emotions that ran through her,magnifying them tenfold. Her heart thudded inside her as she picked up the sleek pen beside the paperwork,her hand trembling a little as she did. Delia had tried her level best to modify the contract,for her sake,but this time,Keiran had left her little room for change. Her eyes went over the contract,skimming the highlighted clauses and regulations. Delia ran her hand over her face,absent-mindedly tapping the pen on the desk top. Keiran had changed,well,everything in this one. It was like he actually realized that he had underestimated her resolve to get out of his grasp. Unluckily for her,her actions earlier only made the situation worse. Keiran had tightened his grip on her,and she wasn't so sure she'd survive his hold. "I won't ask you again. Do you agree to the clauses stipulated in the contract?All of them?"he asked once more,masking the growing irritation and slight panic in his voice well. Why was she even doing this? Why couldn't she just tell him no and refuse to be a part of whatever twisted game this was to him? Because he'll never let you leave if you do, a voice in her head answered. Because you'll never see Roman again,it reminded her. And it was right. Keiran was obsessed with her,and she had no doubt he wouldn't hesitate to keep her locked up and force her into submission. The surest bet would be for her to just play along. Maybe he'd get tired of her along the way and let her go for good. Delia let herself turn the pages to the rewards and benefits that came with accepting his offer. Keiran knew what her soul yearned for,what her heart beat for and what her body was willing to bleed for,and he was willing to milk it for everything she had. If she loved Roman,she would agree to it. And she loved him. More than she loved life itself.
"Yes. I accept and agree to all of the clauses and regulations in this contract,"Delia said,her voice foreign to her as she said the words,a heavy sinking feeling settling in her stomach which would no doubt be staying there for a long time. Her eyes glanced over to look at him before dropping her gaze to the papers before her,but not before she saw the smile that threatened to form tugging at his lips.
"Good. Sign on the dotted line at pages three,five and seven,"he said,his gaze so intense she could literally feel it on her skin. "However,"he continued,making Delia stop dead with the tip of the pen ready at the first slot. "Understand that once you sign those papers,you cannot break the contract. Only the dominant can do that,"Keiran leaned over,getting closer to her."You will belong,fully, to me Delia. I will own every part of you,"he continued,his voice an octave lower."You'll have to submit to me. Utterly and completely. You'll be signing away your own freedom. Do you want that?" He asked,his voice soft. Delia looked up at the words,his smouldering hazel amber eyes meeting her piercing sapphire own. She couldn't back out now,even if she wanted to. It wasn't like Keiran could just let her go if she asked him to. She had no choice in this,no matter how much Keiran wanted to make her believe she did. Delia closed her eyes and willed herself to agree. Willed herself to accept submission to the man in front of her. Willed herself to accept that there was no alternative for her,that her life to come was sitting across from her. And in a moment,she saw Roman. That was enough. Delia found herself signing all of the pages required,not stopping till she reached the last one. She rearranged the papers and put them into their folder,handing it to him once she was done. "Its done. Welcome back Butterfly," Keiran said,unable to stop the smile from forming on his face. Delia merely looked at him,her face devoid of any readable emotion. He didn't even try to hide how pleased he was with the outcome of everything. Why wouldn't he be,when this time,she was there to stay,for as long as he liked?"And now,to the first order of business. Your punishment from before," Keiran said,the change of both his tone and expression so sudden it slapped her mentally. The feeling of dread came back with a vengeance,greater this time.
"B-but,that was...was in the previous contract,"Delia said,struggling to find her voice when she realized just how fucked she actually was considering what she had done against him." You can't just...change the contract then still hold me accountable for what happened in the last one. The slate was wiped clean the moment I signed those papers. You are not supposed to punish me," Delia argued,palms already sweating as she tried to build up her defence against him.
"Indeed,we are in a new contract so technically,you haven't done anything wrong Butterfly,not yet at least ,"Keiran replied,the sheer thrill of possible punishment already coursing through his veins. "But,as I said,and as it is stipulated in the contract,I have complete dominance over you. Do you know what that means Butterfly?" He asked her,slightly tilting his head to the side as he observed her. "It means,what I say goes.If I ask you to dance,you ask to which tune. If I tell you to jump,you ask how high. If I tell you that I will punish you for not only daring to challenge me,a grave act of pure defiance on your part,but also actually inflicting physical as well as psychological harm on me,your master,then you will take whatever form of punishment I see fit. Do you understand that Butterfly?"Keiran asked,his voice so cold at the end that Delia couldn't help the shivers that ran up her spine at his hard-cut words,her eyes snapping down to the desk before her."You have to realize that I actually hadn't planned any of this. At all," he began,his tone softer this time. Apparently,Keiran had thought it best to try a different method of approach."I have never hurt you with the sole purpose of inflicting harm on you," Keiran said. At this statement,Delia lifted her gaze to match his.
"You do realize how paradoxical your statement sounds right?" Delia asked,downright confused by his words. How could you possibly hurt someone without intending to harm them especially when you didn't do it unconsciously or begrudgingly? He wanted her to hurt. He wanted her to feel the pain,to suffer. His actions were never accidental or forced. They always came from him. So it beggared belief that his intentions were to hurt her without harming her,at least,that's what she understood from his words.
"I only hurt you to help you,"Keiran said. At this,Delia burst out laughing,much to his dismay. She just couldn't help it. He had said it with such...sincerity in his voice,such conviction,what's more,he had said it while keeping an absolutely straight face. Not a smile or anything.
"You don't actually believe that,do you?"she asked once her laughter had died down. "What would I possibly need help with,that desperately,that I would need you,of all people,to help me do it,and through pain nonetheless?"Delia asked,folding her arms across her chest. Keiran smiled. He bloody smiled. And not just the half smiles that he usually did that never reached his eyes. Not the cocky smirks or malicious grins that he never ran short of. This one was nothing like that. It was a genuine one. It was actually as if the mere thought of it brought him It literally lit up his entire face,literally lit up his eyes. Delia let go of the breath she didn't even know she had been holding. It was beautiful.
"Lucky for both of us Delia,you will be sticking around long enough to find out,"Keiran said,her name rolling off of his tongue so beautifully right then,untainted by raw anger like all those other times he had said it before,bathed in utter delight this time. And for a moment,for a blissful,fleeting moment,Delia felt like she wanted him to say her name like that again. To see his face radiate in elation. But as quickly as it came,it was gone. His smile fell,and in its place was his signature mask of nothingness. Almost as if he felt he had exposed too much of himself to her in that one smile. Keiran's face became blank again. "You will take the punishment I have for you. You caused me a lot of physical pain,unnecessary physical pain,you even drew blood. Its all over the carpet in case you forgot. And to add the icing to the proverbial cake,you triggered my disorder. Its only fair that I somehow avenge all that,don't you think? Its not like you'll suffer forever like I will,"Keiran said,his words icy venom to her. And you know what made it worse? The crippling guilt that sweeped through her at the onset of his words. Even though he was the sadistic,twisted,bastard spawn of the devil,he didn't deserve to have to deal with a disorder he had worked hard to fight and overcome again. Especially not because of her. Her pain would only be physical,something that she could definitely deal with,not psychological like his was. She owed him that much.
"Okay,"Delia said,her voice slightly shaky. "I...I accept whatever punishment you want to give me to at least compensate what I did to you. Because,unlike you,I wanted to harm you,but not hurt you. Hurting you was never my intention,"she finished. Delia watched as his expression changed from stoic,to surprised then back again as he processed her words.
"I'm...glad you've chosen to...see it that way," Keiran said,sounding slightly uncomfortable. "Very well then. Meet me at the play room in ten minutes. You are to present yourself in the state customary for your submissive position. I shall be with you shortly after. You're dismissed Butterfly," Keiran said,his gaze falling from hers as he began to look for something amidst the papers stacked neatly on the side of his desk. Without another word,Delia pushed her seat back and left the room,unbeknownst to her that Keiran's eyes never left her till she did.
Hey my beautiful peoplep 😘💋
So now,this book is eligible for the Wattys 2019. However,I won't enter it for various reasons. Most likely I will next year😊. But I just wanted to thank you guys so much because if it were not for you people,it wouldn't even have gotten that kind of recognition. I know being eligible isn't that big of a deal,well,considering people actually enter and WIN the Wattys 😂 😅,but I am still super grateful that it has managed this milestone,and its all thanks to you awesome babes out there 😊 💖. So thank you so fucking much for all of your support whether it was by reading,voting,sharing,or all three,thank you.❤💙💜💛
I love you all so much😙❤
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