Chapter 35

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Jungkook's storytime continuation :

Until one day she came up to me saying she wants to break up, and I was hella mad. So I asked her why? , she said that I wasn't enough for her and she doesn't want to be with a mafia leader and live in a danger with me and she's been seeing another man as I can say she was cheating on me. And my body was hella boiling on fire. So I told her that I did everything for her like a spoiled brat and brought her everything like a loyal and charming mafia man but I guess she doesn't deserve anything at all and I should focus on my squad and job. So I accepted for breaking up with her but It was hard for me to remember or think about it because she was beautiful ,amazing and gorgeous but she changed all Of the sudden and Idk (Short form Of " I don't know") When?? Or why?? But all I can say that everything was done between us and I started to be cold hearted and broken and then I met you. The end.


I said " I'm so sorry for hearing that this girl hurt you" . I can feel that he wants a hug , so I hugged him and he started crying from the pain . So I told him " Everything will me alright babe, I will be here for you always and that's a promise". He said "Promise that you will not leave me". I promised him. He wipes his tears and he said " I'm sorry". So I said " You didn't done anything then why the sorry". He said " I'm sorry that I cried and I hide it from you ". I said " Honey don't apologize for crying, and don't apologize for hiding the truth about ur ex, cause I know it's hard a little bit ". I understand jungkook for not telling me the truth about ( Carolina) but at least he told me today :). So i poured a glass of water for jungkook and I gave it to him and I said " Drink this glass of water and we have to get some sleep, because we had a long trip ". So he took the glass and drunk it and he said " Thanx bbe for helping me, I'm really grateful ". So I said " Your welcome honey and now sleep ". So we went to the bed he lay down and I was setting so he grabbed my hands and kisses it and said in a low voice " I love you, bbe ". After saying those words and while his holding my hands he slept already. he may seem tough, jerk and cold but seriously he have a baby , cute, kind heart side that only close people will notice it and I'm happy and grateful that I have him in my life. So I took my phone slowly and I called my grandma and Grandma said " Hi sweetie, how are you?? And how's your trip?? And how's jungkook with you?? ". I said " Calm down Grandma, I'm fine and jungkook is fine and Everything is fine over here  what about you and house my little sister?? ".  She said " We're all fine sweetie, what are you doing right now?? ". I said " I'm in the bed talking to you and jungkook sleeping beside me and holding my hands ". She said " Aww that's cutee, his a keeper, oh , I have to go now, hope to see you soon ". Then hang up the phone. I felt so tired so I closed my phone and slept....

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