Chapter 26

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After talking to my friends we went back to home...

When we reached home, I went inside but I hugged Taehyung " Thanx Tiger " I said and smiled while hugging him then I went straight the room...

I took a shower and wore one of jungkook's oversized hoodie and I wore my shorts , drying my hair, " Is that my hoodie??!! " Jungkook came in the room, " Aha, does it look bad on me??!! " I asked while brushing my hair , " Nah, you look cute in them " He said , i finished brushing my hair. I started cleaning the room, jungkook finished showering, he came out the towel was rapped around his hips showing his abs.

How this man can be cute and sexy at the same time??!! And those abs.

Dripping water going down to his abs, " Do want to touch my abs??!! " He said and smirked. Oh sh*t he noticed me. I looked away but my cheeks started to get red , I was cleaning but then I can feel someone is behind me, I looked my eyes widened, jungkook was close to me, he was wearing shorts only, half naked, " K-kookie...!! " , he hummed, his two hands were on the wall and my head in the middle , " You're blushing, your cute" He said while smiling, " I'm not blushing " I said and I pouted, he came more closer to me , no space anymore , I can feel his hot breathe on my neck, he kissed my neck, then kissed my lips , his lip were soft , he bites my bottom lips, we pulled away but his hands was in my waist, " We are going to travel to Spain, after your graduation in couple of days " He said and kissed my forehead and let go, he went to the bed , " Wait!! What we're doing in Spain?!! " I asked while going to the bed , " We are going to visit Eomma " He said and smiled. I nodded my head, I came beside jungkook , we were cuddling, I put my head on his chest and my arms were hugging him... I slept , " Sleep tight my princess, I love you " Then a kiss in my forehead.


" Ahh, I'm so worried " I said.. Today is the day that all of students have been waiting and it's graduation day , my last day of college, " Hey, don't be worried, everything will be fine " Jungkook said, we are in the car....

After 20 min skipped..

I breathe in and out, I went out from the car, jungkook held my hands to comfort me...... " Y/N, you're here " Jisung said and hugged me, " Yeah, where is jennie??!! " I asked, jisung pointed , she was sitting and putting some make up. I laughed...

Time skipped...

" Attention please Attention " The principal said, jungkook was sitting beside of me , he is still holding my hand, " The students who will be on the stage is the ones who got an excellent grades, and I would like to tell to those who worked hard thank you for being a hard worker students and work on your success and your dreams to come true, I hope what your dream job will be, I hope it will happen and I'm proud of you all students " The principal said with a big smile in her face and all of the people clapped..... The principal keeps callings students name , " Jisung....... Jennie....... Alexa.... " , all of them giving the speech, " Lee y/n......" ,

What did I heard right??!!

I looked at jungkook with happiness, I stand up and walked to the stage , I bowed to the principal , she gave me the graduation paper, I went in front of the mic, " Huh, I don't know what say, I'm so happy and proud of myself for the work that I did, thanks for all the teacher who helped us , I'm so grateful for all of you.... And I would like to thank jisung and jennie for being by my side and helped me I love you both....... "

I took a deep breathe

" This speech is for jungkook, thank you for being there for me, thank you for helping my family, I'm so proud of who your are, I don't want you to change , please stay always by my side and never leave me, thank you for letting me be in your world and life...... To jungkook my fiance I don't care who talks about us, you're the only love of my life that I loved and remember always that I love you and I'm always here for you ....... Taehyung my tiger thank you for being my best friend and the best friend of jungkook and thank you for being his right handed , I love you so much tiger, I'm always here for you too............. Thank you all of you " I said and I bowed in front of the people, all of the people awed and some people cried from my speech then they clapped.....

Time skipped...

I was walking searching for jungkook, I started to get tired and I want go home, I went inside the school when all of the sudden someone took my hand and pulled me to him, " Omo.. Yah jungkookkk are you trying to give me heart attack??!! " I gave him a pout face, " Did my princess got scared??! " He said and started coming closer to me, his right hand was on my waist and his left hand on the wall beside my head, " W-what are you doing??!! " I asked , " Kissing my fiance duhh!!! " He said, " You can but not. He....... " I was about to continue but jungkook kissed my lips already, he hummed while kissing me, we pulled away to take a breathe, " That speech, I'm proud of you , thank you for the speech princess you made me the happiest guy and the luckiest person in this world " He said, I hugged him, " I'm tired can we go home please " I said, he nodded....
Edited ♡

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