Chapter 9

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Y/n POV:

Jungkook took the gun and lead us to the back of the bedroom which was mysterious that I didn't know about it but that's okay, he lead me to the safe room, Taehyung brought my granny and my sister in the safe room as well. " Wait, your leaving me here, I want to fight and shot a bullet too, I know how to fight " I said. " That's a good thing but no your not going anywhere, your staying here with your granny and sister " Jungkook said. " Pretty please, I want to fight " I said with a puppy eyes, " Don't do those puppy eyes, it will not work for me, you will stay here and take the gun because if someone try to attack you you can shot " He said. " Fine, your so stubborn " I said. " No, I'm not I'm just trying to protect you, I have to go now " He said he kissed my forehead and he went to the door, " oh before I will go, DON'T GET OUT FROM THIS ROOM " He said and then closed the door........

Am I going to stay her for a long time, it's been only 5 min and I'm so damn bored. My as* have to move and shot some bullet in someone.

" Ughhhh, I'm bored, I want to put a bullet on someone " I said. " Sweetie, no stay here , remember what jungkook said " Granny said. " But Granny I'm bored and you know that I'm good at shooting gun " I said. " We don't want you to get hurt sweetie to stay here " Granny said. " Ugh fine, but I will stay for 10 min , if jungkook didn't came I will have to go " I said. She nodded.

After 5 min.....

After 10 min.........


After 20 min.......

" Ok, it's been 20 min and I'm bored, Jungkook neither Taehyung came, so I have to get out from this place" I said. " Take care Y/N " Granny said. I nodded, I got out from the safe room and closed the door behind my back , I kept walking and walking then I was in room of Jungkook and I can hear the gun shooting and fight attack down, I was holding the gun , and I can hear some foot steps coming toward the room so I hide behind the door .... I can see the guy walking inside the room and then I closed the door and shot him, " Haha, you're such a Pabo ( stupid) " I said with a smirk, I opened the door and running going down stairs, I can see them already fighting and shooting, while I was going down Jungkook was staring at me and I already feel he was shocked and angry. I started shooting the people in the left and in the right, until there was someone came behind my back and put the gun in my head, " Put drop your gun and put your hands in the air " The guy said. Taehyung and the others did what he said, Jungkook was angry but he kept staring at me and did what the guy said as well, but I stepped on his toe so hard and I got the gun and shot him, he was the lost guy to be killed in the group.....

After cleaning everything and blood on the floor and removing the dead body, I went to the guest room to check my granny and my sister, " Are you ok Y/N?? " Granny said. " I'm fine Granny, you need to sleep now because you look tired " I said. " Claire if there is something happen tell me I'm going to the room, ok " I said again. She nodded. I went to the room and saw Jungkook was sitting in the bed is he waiting for me??. While I was closing the door " Why did you get our from the safe room??, why didn't you do as I said?? , just whyyy?? " He said. " I was bored, and I was worried about you, and I've been trained how shot gun, and I want to shot a bullet to someone to see my scales, but see I have no bruises except for 2 only, but I'm fine " I said. " That's good, but you don't have to, I don't want you to get hurt " He said yelling at me. " First don't yell at me, 2nd don't boss me. But fine I will not do that again, but that's not a promise " I said. He kissed my forehead and hugged me, it was 4am , so we just have time to sleep for some moment....

Edited ♡

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