#47 - Annabeth's Work Trip

Start from the beginning

The last she saw of him was Percy flashing her a dorky thumbs up and small smile before the door closed on him.

To explain, Annabeth had to attend an architecture conference over the Christmas holidays. It was tough, because this was the twins' third Christmas, but she couldn't exactly blow off work.

There were notable names in her sector who were expected to be present. It wasn't an opportunity she could give up, or risk her job to stay with Percy and their children.

The flight to London was long and exhausting, but when Annabeth finally got there, she was escorted quickly to the hotel. She couldn't help admiring the old buildings and stone walls of London.

It really was a magnificent city.

Annabeth wondered if, one day, she could live here for a year. One thing at a time.

"Jeremy!" Annabeth said cheerfully as she gave her boss a firm handshake. "How are you?"

The brunet shrugged. "As well I can be, I guess."

"Sharon and the kids unhappy that you have to work over the holidays?" Annabeth guessed.

Jeremy winced. "Yeah, she wasn't the most excited. But they're flying out here so we can at least spend Christmas Day together."

Annabeth stopped in her tracks, her luggage coming to a screeching halt at her heel. "What? Jeremy, we're working on Christmas Day."

Jeremy frowned. "No, the conference ends on Christmas Eve."

"What?" Annabeth demanded. "I-So I could be back in New York by Christmas morning?"

He shook his head. "The flights are ridiculously expensive, and probably completely full, on Christmas Day."

"But I have a whole day to make it back," Annabeth protested.

"You could try?" Jeremy said warily. He knew the best person on his team well enough to know that once Annabeth set her mind on something, nothing could dissuade her.

"Oh my Gods," Annabeth muttered as she pulled out her phone and possible paths back to America started forming in her head.

"See you at the conference...?" Jeremy trailed off questioningly, knowing that her attention was now off him.

Annabeth spent the next three days torn between her work and trying to organise the journey back home. She could practically imagine it in her head.

The fundamentals of the plan were that she could take the train to Paris, then catch a plane to Boston. From Boston, it was a 4-hour drive back to Manhattan.

As the days counting down toward Christmas came and went, Annabeth could hardly contain her excitement. Everything was going right for once. She had forged many important connections at this conference, and she could still spend Christmas with her family.

"Safe flight," Jeremy told her with a chuckle as they parted ways. He'd told her multiple times that she was insane. It was Christmas Eve night, and there was no way she'd make it back to Manhattan in time.

"I'll make it," Annabeth promised him.

Jeremy purses his lips. "Twenty bucks says you don't."

Annabeth smirked. "I'll take that action." She turned her back on him and raced towards the taxi.

Everything started going wrong about ten minutes into the drive.

The horns of surrounding cars were deafening and made Annabeth wince. She'd underestimated the sheer amount of traffic on London roads, and

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