Part 35

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I find that I can't stop. I move easily, knowingly. My father was right, I'm at home here whether I like it or not. I walk straight past all the guards, into the deepest parts of Hades.
I can feel the pull of Tartarus. Feel the heat. The danger. I do all I can to stay away from it. But it follows me.
'Dad?' I call out, knowing there's no way I can find him, rather he has to be the one to find me, 'I know you know I'm here. Come on.'
I stumble slightly as I appear in the throne room, black and deep red surrounding me.
' son of a bitch.' I yell as I see my father, sitting quite casually. I run towards him, but he flicks his wrist and I'm bought to the floor, unable to move closer to him.
'Well I can't argue with that.' He says, crossing his legs and looking down at me.
'You killed him. You killed him. Bring him back. Right now. Right the fuck now.' I shout. I stare up at him, and I can't help but cry. It's all so much, too much. For the first time since I left the Roman camp I allow myself to think. Will is dead.
'Don't cry now, Nico. You know better than anyone that sorrow doesn't change a thing.' He says. He's so calm, so I changed by it all.
'What do you want from me?' Is all I can think of to ask. I sit up slightly, unable to bring myself to stand. I stare at him, aware that he has all the power. He can make me do anything.
'Nico, I wanted you to be happy.' He says.
'Then why did you kill him?' I ask desperately.
'It was only a matter of time, son. Death follows you. More so than Hazel. More so than it would have with Bianca. It's drawn to you.'
'That's not my fault.' I tell, angry again, 'I didn't ask for that. That's not my fault.'
'I know.' He says, 'but that doesn't change the fact that those close to you will die.'
'You don't know that.' I say, quiet.
'Perhaps not, but I know better than most.'
'Give him back. Please. I know you can.' I say. My fingers clutch at the jagged floor, needing something to hold on to. My palms are bleeding. I stare at him, pleading.
'I can.' He says, calmly, slowly, 'but I won't.'
'I'll kill you. I'll kill you.' I shout, again throwing myself against the invisible barrier he's thrown up. He sits back, calm, my efforts not affecting him in the slightest.
'Far more dedicated than you have tried.' He says, 'you know what happens now, boy, you know how this works.'
'You are the only one to blame for my unhappiness.' I whisper, all my energy having seeped out from me, as I realise what he wants, what he needs. I knew it the whole time, I knew this was what he wanted.
'That might be do, Nico, but it's there nonetheless.' He says. He waits for me. He stares. He knows I will speak.
'Life for a life.' I say, simply, 'you bring back Will, safe. He lives, for a long time. You don't hurt him ever, don't touch him, don't speak to him, don't go near him...if you bring him back, I will take his place.'
'Now that is a proposal.' He says, as if it hadn't been his plan the entire time.
'Do we have an agreement?' I ask, in this moment wanting nothing more than to ensure Will's safety.
'I'll have to think-'
'I said, do we have an agreement?'
'Yes. Yes, I suppose we do.' He says, 'do you swear on the river Styx to stick to your agreement?'
'I swear.'
'Say it out loud. You swear on the river Styx that you will stay down here, forever?'
'I swear on the river Styx.' I say, hurried. Nothing much happens, but he smiles, and I can only assume that it's been done.
'Is he safe? Is he alive?'
'Your friend is alive.' He says.
'Boyfriend.' I insist. I'm not sure why, but I do.
'Yes, well I fear not for much longer. Unless you're very good at long distance.'
'Is he safe?' I ask again.
'He's alive and safe.' He says, 'and I fear he's quite close by.'
'What do you mean?'
'Well he and a couple others intended to come here to stop you signing your life away.'
'What?' I ask, not fully understanding.
'I guess I'll have to deal with them sooner or later.' He waves his hand, and Will, Percy, and Reyna appear.
'Will!' I shout, running towards him. I tackle him into a hug, hold him tightly. I can barely think straight, just relieved to see him, 'You're okay. You're okay now, you're safe.'
'Nico, it's a trick. I wasn't dead. I'm not dead.' He says, his hands on my face, making me look at him, 'don't take my place.'
But it only takes him a second to realise that it's too late.
'No.' Percy says, looking from me to my dad, 'that's not fair. That's not allowed, you made him think Will was dead.'
'Oh, would you rather me actually kill him?' He asks.
I step in front of Will protectively, unsure what to do.
'You lied to me?' I ask, strangely betrayed.
'It was essential, Nico. You'll see that.'
'I take you for a lot of things, father, but I didn't think you were a liar.' I say.
'It's void then.' Reyna says, 'if he didn't know all the facts, it's not allowed.'
'He's already sworn on the river Styx.' He says.
'What did you swear to Nico?' Percy says, turning suddenly to me, 'what the hell did you swear to?'
'To stay down here.' I say, realising what has happened, 'forever.'
'And so, that means he remains under my control, forever.' My father says, standing up from his throne.
I still stand in front of Will, facing my father, but I hold Will's hand tightly, reminding myself he's alive. He's alive.
'And I think,' my father says, as he walks down the steps to reach our level, staring down at me, 'I will let Nico experience death for a while. Mindless, dull, death. At least until all of you have finished your lives.'
Percy tried to take a lunge at him, and though I expect the invisible wall to be thrown up again, instead Percy stops halfway through his swing, and drops to the floor, fighting off imaginary enemies. Reyna rushes to help him, but before I can help in any way, I feel a dull ache within me.
I lose my balance, and Will catches me. He grasps at my shirt, tries to talk to me as I stop seeing things so clearly.
'Nico.' I can hear him say, over and over, 'Nico. Nico.' He sounds sad, and I realise I'm scared. I'm scared to die. I don't want to leave what I have, leave who I have. I don't want to die.
But I stop seeing things. And I stop hearing things. And I don't think a lot. I don't want to die. There's not a lot. I don't want to die. I find myself somewhere else, surrounded by thousands and thousands of emotionless faces. Nothing for miles and miles. That is it, forever.

The end.

Haha lol sorry no it's not. I'll be back. Couldn't resist. Sorry for the downer. But yeah Nico is DEAD. RIP.

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