Part 29

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I sit outside, watching the hunters practice some sword play a while off. I can tell they're all feeling Artemis' absence.
Reyna, Hazel, Frank and I all sit on the steps, brainstorming. Despite Nico having hundreds of enemies we still haven't got one name yet.
'What about that giant he made friends with? With you and Percy?' Reyna asks me.
'Bob? No way. He's good now. Plus, I mean, from what Percy and Annabeth said, he's probably dead now.' I say.
'Oh. Right.' Reyna says, a little defeated.
'Cupid? He forced him to come out?' Hazel offers.
'Not really Cupid's style. And it's more that Nico has a problem with Cupid than the other way around. It's someone who doesn't mind killing others for the final result.' I reply.
'So someone blasé about death.' Reyna says, standing up and pacing in front of the steps. She's quite pretty when she's overthinking.
Will comes out just as Reyna finishes speaking, I'm assuming he left Annabeth and Percy inside for a while.
'Blasé about death? So like, all of the Gods.' He says. I laugh a little, he's not wrong though.
'What about my dad?' Hazel says, quietly, as if she'd been thinking about it for a while, 'think about it. He already tried to kill Nico once. He clearly doesn't think Nico can be happy up here. And he can control what happens to those that died. If he makes sure they all go onto some next life then his conscience is clear.'
'No, when this first started happening Nico was adamant it didn't feel like his dad doing it.' Will says, sitting on the top step.
'Yes, but what if he's not doing it himself. We know it's some sort of magic, because Circe was doing the same thing. What happens if Hades was going through someone else. Or using someone.' It hangs in the air for a moment, none of us able to come up with anything to dispute it, 'just an idea.' 

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