Part 34

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I feel Annabeth's absence very suddenly. The place of our first quest, our first time in the underworld. I can't move for a moment.
'Percy?' Reyna asks.
'I said how do we get in?' She repeats, 'are you okay?'
'Fine.' I say, 'Fine. Um, Mrs. O'Leary can open it. But she's tired, she just took a long jump.'
'I'll lend her my energy.' Reyna says quickly, stepping over and placing her hand on Mrs. O'Leary's back. She starts digging straight away.
Very quickly, rocks start to part more easily, a cavern growing, opening to reveal a steep staircase. My throat tightens, I can barely breathe.
'Percy, what's wrong?' Will asks, stepping over to me.
'I...sorry.' Is all I can manage, I have to sit, suddenly. My head ringing. I can feel the pull of the underworld, so close to Tartarus.
'Gods, Percy, I didn't even think.' Will says, 'Tartarus so close. I'm sorry.'
'You don't have to come in.' Reyna says, placing her hand on my shoulder, 'we understand.'
'No. No, I have to. I'll come.' I stand, and my legs shake slightly. I feel the old wounds again. I move towards the steps.
I go down first, leading the way. It gets colder and colder the closer to the river Styx we get. But this time Reyna has enough money to let us cross without question. And I've become a far better liar since then. Reyna and Will go along with my lie of dying in battle without question. We cross easily.
I clutch the side of the boat as we're taken deeper in, remembering how Luke had tried to pull me into Tartarus even then. How close Grover had been to falling down there. I take a deep breathe.
Reyna takes my hand lightly. She is not the type for affection, but she can see the distress I'm in. She does what she can.
Will is at the front of the boat, staring ahead, waiting for any sign of Nico. I am clearly uncomfortable down here, but Will has no place in the underworld. His whole thing is health and life, the colour drains from him the further in we go. He can't fight, can barely defend himself. Reyna and I are used to this, but Will is out of place.
But we both knew there was no reason to even try talk him out of coming in. He would never leave Nico alone down here. And even though Will can't fight, or hold his own in a battle, I find that I am glad he is here. His presence is calming, and he doesn't seem scared.
'We're here.' He says, as shore comes into view, 'let's go.'

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