Part 28

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I don't know what the final straw was, what made me take the pill knowing Annabeth would hate me for it. I could feel myself drowning, my mind staying behind in Tartarus for the second time.
But now, it all seems so much quieter, so much calmer. I didn't even realise how negative all my thoughts were until I took the pill. And the test Annabeth and Will have been doing on me have all come up normal.
'I promise you, I feel fine.' I say, holding onto Annabeth's hand, 'I feel really, really good.'
'As far as I can tell, they've only affected him in positive lights.' Will says, talking to Annabeth.
'Working sort of like an anti-depressant.' She agrees.
'Exactly.' He says.
'So do we just have to wait it out? Wait until it wears of to check there's nothing else wrong with it, then give it to Nico.'
'Seems like it.'
'And me.' I say, 'I definitely want to keep taking this. And Annabeth.'
'He's probably right.' Annabeth says.
'And I imagine Hazel might want to give it a try.' Will says, 'after what she went through.'
'It happened to Thalia too.' I say, 'Hell, I think half the kids in Camp half blood would want this.'
'It's true. This could potentially help a lot of people.' Annabeth says, 'but even if we sort this, we have no clue who did this to Nico. And if they're really that powerful, they'll just change tactics. Try something new.'
'Thalia and Reyna are working on that.' I say, 'all we can do right now is sort this out. Once Nico's back in action I'm sure he can help us figure out who it is.'
'He's got a lot of enemies.' Will says.
'I'm not saying it'll be easy.' I say.
'It could literally be anyone.' Annabeth says.
'Okay, it's going to be very hard.' I say, 'but we'll figure it out. We always do.'

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