Part 12

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Everyone's collected around the bed that Nico's been given. Now that he's asleep there's not a lot we can do. I give him a little bit of nectar, and sit beside him. He's still jolting about in his sleep, clearly having nightmares. I know he'd hate everyone watching him sleep but there's not a lot I can do to stop them.
'Is he always like this?' Hazel asks, sitting on the opposite side to me. She holds one of his hands lightly. I can hear the concern in her voice.
'He has good nights and bad nights. He's normally the worst when he doesn't choose to go to sleep; so if he passes out or is knocked out or something.' I explain, 'so it's normally better than this.'
'I had no idea.' She says.
'He's a pretty private person.' I say.
Percy keeps his distance, and I can see him thinking over everything. He's stressing himself out. I get up and move to one side with him.
'You okay?' I ask.
'That was my fault, I got angry, I shouldn't have...I...Gods.' He says, running his hand through his hair. He sits down on a spare bed and stares straight ahead.
'Percy, it's not your fault. You didn't mean to, and the chances are he would have passed out anyway. Don't blame yourself.' I say, 'he'll wake up soon.'
'I just...I can't believe it's starting again.' He says, looking over to Nico.
'What do you mean?'
'I mean, in what world was I actually going to go to college? Going to be able to go to study with Annabeth? Without fearing for our lives? I was being stupid.' He says, leaning back on the bed.
'Percy, it'll happen. It just might take some time.' I say, 'you'll get there.'
Just then, Nico jolts awake. I leave Percy and am by Nico's side in an instant. Nico is frantic again, as I often see him after a bad dream. He pushes himself as close to the wall as he can, look around in fear.
'Nico, you're okay. You're not dreaming.' I say, trying to take his hand, but he takes it back.
'This isn't real. You're not Will. You're not him. Wake up. Wake up.' He says, closing his eyes and clenching his fists.
'Nico, this is real.' Hazel says, but she's too affronted by seeing the panic in Nico's eyes to be very convincing.
'Nico, can you tell me what you saw?' I ask, wary that he might have had another dream about someone dying.
'You're not real.'
'Alright, if I'm not real then there's no harm in telling me what you saw.' I say. He's silent for a moment.
'A boy on the cliff edge. He...' Nico falls silent and still, 'this is real?'
'Yes.' I say, about to reach out to hold his shoulder, when he shadow travels out of the room.

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