Part 19

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As soon as Annabeth sees us, she goes straight past Percy and hugs me. I can feel her crying slightly. I look to Percy, unsure what to do; he just watches, unable to help.
'Hey, it's okay. I'm okay.' I say, trying to calm her down. I still find it awkward trying to comfort people, especially people crying, but Annabeth pulls herself together fairly quickly.
'Sorry.' She says, 'I just...'
She can't finish her sentence. But I get it. After everything we've all been through, this just seems unfair. None of us want anything more to go wrong. We've had our share. She sniffs and laughs a little, moving over to hug Percy.
'Hey.' He says, kissing her on the forehead. She laughs a little at herself.
'Sorry. Tired from the journey.' She says.
'I can imagine.' Percy says, as he puts his arms around her shoulder and begins to lead us back to the main hall.
'Have you heard anything from Thalia?' She asks, and there's hope in her voice.
'Little bits. Never too much. They're on their way.' Percy replies.
'So, you said you-' I start, only to drop off mid sentence as I see Will storming toward me.
'I told you to wake me, you idiot.' He says, coming up to me and pushing me lightly.
'I needed to get out. I was with Percy.' I say, looking towards Percy and Annabeth, to see that they've both moved aside slightly to give Will and I some privacy.
'I woke up and you weren't there.' He says, anger still in his voice.
'I didn't want to wake you.' I reply. I can see his concern. I know he just wants to make sure I'm okay.
'I don't care if you didn't want to wake me. You should have anyway.' He says, still holding onto the sides of my jacket.
'Look, I just...' I fall short. My words get mixed up in my head, 'I didn't...I don't...'
'What?' He asks, insistent. But the anger has gone from his voice. It's just exasperation now.
'You're in my head. All the time. I...if I go to sleep, I don't want to think of you. Because...I...I don't want...' I close my eyes and shake my head. The tension goes from his body and he pulls me in. I rest my forehead against his chest. Only now noticing how exhausted I am, crying slightly. He holds me close.
'It's okay.' He says, 'I'm sorry.'
'I'm only crying cause I'm tired.' I say, not looking at him.
'I know.' He replies.
'My body is weak right now.' I say.
'Yes, I know. You're an emotionless being, I won't tell anyone you cry.' He says, and I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.
'Thanks.' I say.
'I mean I won't tell anyone again. I've already told everyone here.' He says, and I look up only to see him smiling down at me.
'Shut up.' I say.
'Yeah, I know.' He says. He kisses me quickly on the head and puts one arm around my waist, starting to walk to the main hall, where Annabeth and Percy have already gone.
'So you dream about me, huh?' Will says, nudging me with his shoulder.
'All the damn time.' I reply.

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