Part 27

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Percy and Hazel come back after a while, but we all try not to pry. Hazel goes to Frank, close to his side. He takes her carefully. She looks safe.
Will and I had been discussing various ways to go forward, whether it was safe for me to test this new pill we were making.
'Worst case scenario, it does something bad, but it wears off after a while. That's why we only gave it a small dosage. If it works, we can work on long term use.'
'I don't want you to use it before we're sure of all he side effects.' Will says, wary.
'We won't know all the side effects until I've tried it.' I counter. Percy is beside me, haven taken the pill and turning it over in his hand.
'So this is what Nico's on?' He asks, still looking it over.
'No, he took one of the older ones. It's part sleeping tablet too. This one is just blocking the subconscious. But theoretically Annabeth should stay awake if she took it.'
'Why do you need to be the one to take it?' Percy asks, looking to me. I can see the bags under his bloodshot eyes. He hasn't looked this drained since Tartarus.
'I made it. If something's wrong with it, I should have to face that.' I explain.
'So you made it so it cut off all the mind stuff. All the...things you don't want to think about?' He asks, and I can hear his tone change.
'Yes, that's what we're hoping.' Will says.
'Percy don't you dare.' I say, but he holds me back and swallows the pill before I can put up more of a fight, 'you idiot. You absolute idiot.' I hit him across the shoulder but he barely even registers it, 'throw it up. Throw it up right now.'
'Sorry wisegirl.' He says, his voice slurred for a moment, 'couldn't help myself.' He looks at me, and he looks so sad. I can see all the pain that was dragged up again. I hold onto him as he sways slightly.
'How do you feel?' Will asks, stepping towards him.
'I...good. Woah.' He says, sobering up, 'wow. Okay. Amazing.'
'Really?' I ask, hesitant to believe it might have worked.
'Really. Like...I haven't...I haven't felt like this since...since before everything...' He says, and he sits on the bed, unable to process his own thoughts.
'But you feel focused? It hasn't made you drowsy at all?' Will asks, doctor mode.
'I feel fine. More awake than I've been in ages.' He says. He laughs to himself a little, 'Gods, I didn't realise how shit everything was.'
'Is it working?' Frank asks, wary.
'I think it might be.' I say, 'we'll need to run tests, make sure his responses are the same, that he remains himself the whole time he's on it. We don't know if blocking the subconscious will effect his personality or his mood. It's uncharted territory.'
'But this is good.' Will says, 'this is a good start.'

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