Memories started flooding, and Anna wished she didn't wake up. After she heard the cars screeching and all the noise fade in the dark night, Anna lost hope. They left without her. Lucca led her to a basement where it was completely dark.

Upon her entrance, Anna smelled a stench odour. She gagged and emptied the contents of her stomach instantly. It was impossible to smell something like this and keep your stomach full. Her eyes grew double size when the moon's light cast in the room, she saw skeletons and bones thrown around, and this was the moment she started fighting to get out of Lucca's iron grip. The man looked at his guard and without a word, the stout man stabbed a needle in Anna's neck.

"I have had enough of your nonsense for one day. I need a moment for myself without your endless whining." Those were the last words Anna heard before darkness consumed her.

At present, Anna shivered and noticed she was only in her jeans and a thin white tank top. She swallowed hard and looked around the room doing her best to ignore the smell and the bones under her feet. The light from the small window indicated it was midday or early afternoon. I'd slept more than ten hours, Anna realised in a horrifying conclusion.

Anna wriggled her wrists looking for a way to untie herself, but the hard ropes rubbing against her delicate skin made her hiss. The rattling of the metallic door grabbed Anna's attention and her breath stopped.

She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. She hoped her acting skills will benefit her, and she will fool them.

Heavy footsteps walked towards her head. Anna felt a cold hand caressing her cheeks, and she tried her hardest to stay stoic. A hard tug on her head was enough for her to snap her eyes open, and the charade to go down the drain. Anna felt her scalp burning as Lucca's grip didn't lighten, and he leaned over her. His mint breath fanned her face and he spoke darkly.

"don't try and lie to me, princess. I will find out, and you won't like the consequences. Am I clear?"

Anna strained to nod her head and prayed he will let go of her hair. Lucca smirked in satisfaction and let go of her hair. At this moment, Anna would have given anything for a massage.

Lucas grabbed a chair and sat facing her. He gave her one of his sick smiles and said with fake pleasantry.

"I know you want to be out of here as much as I want to get rid of you and your clan. Now, it is so easy for this to happen, all you have to do is to give me all the information you found on the drive so I can know how much those bastards know about my plans."

Anna looked at his eyes and smiled with ease.

"I'm not giving you anything. I'm not a traitor like some of you." Anna sneered, she was surprised at the confidence and power she was showing.

Lucca laughed out loud and shook his head.

"Do you really think you are a member of the mighty Salviatti family? Those dogs don't like intruders. They are only loyal to their own blood. They will crush you like a bug after you served them."

"Hunter loves me, and he would never do something like this to me. You will be the one crushed this time." Anna shot back.

Lucca laughed once again until tears gathered in his eyes.

"You amuse me so much, little girl. If only I have time so I can hear more of your jokes." His features darkened and he spoke with an icy voice, "unfortunately, I don't have time to waste on your silly ideas. Hunter's love is just an illusion you believe. Once he leaves for college, you will be just his high school sweetheart. Now, don't make me take drastic measures, and tell me what I want."

An innocent girl in a mafia campWhere stories live. Discover now