It's twins

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Your POV 

A few weeks ago I found out that I'm pregnant and my first ultrasound is this afternoon.  "Shawn! Hurry, or we'll be late" I yelled across the room while Shawn was still mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. "Ok, I'm coming" he said, grabbing the keys so we could go to my appointment.

We had to wait a while before I was called to get my ultrasound done. "Ok, Y/N how far along are you?" The OBGYN asked. "I don't know, I think eight maybe?" I replied.  While I was getting the ultrasound done, Shawn was concentrating on the screen. "Wow! I didn't know foetuses were this big at eight weeks" Shawn said. 

"They're not, the babies look to be around fourteen weeks gestation" the OBGYN replied to Shawn's comment. "Hold up, did you say 'babies' as in there's more than one?" I asked. "You're having twins!" The OBGYN revealed. 

In the car on the way home, Shawn and I were debating wether our twins would be identical or fraternal. "What if we can't tell them apart?" Shawn asked, concerned about his inability to tell twins apart. "We'll figure something out closer to when they're born" I replied.  

"How did we even conceive twins? There's no history of multiple births in either of our families" I wondered. "It's all luck, babe" Shawn replied, pulling into our driveway. 

That night, while I was getting ready for bed, Shawn tapped me on the shoulder to ask me a question. "If both of the twins are boys can we name them Ethan and Grayson?" He asked. "Shawn,  there's no way I'll let you name our potential twin boys after the Dolan twins" I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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