Paternity leave

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Shawn's POV 

After about three days of maternity leave, Y/N had to go back to work. Leaving me to look after Kiley. "Alright, it's just you and me for a bit until mommy comes home" I whispered to her.

Y/N wrote a list of instructions: 1. Feed her every few hours, 2. Change her diaper before and after every feed and whenever she's done a poop, 3. If you need to do work stuff, leave Kiley in her swinger thing for a bit, but have her in the same room as you.

The instructions seemed simple enough, but Kiley looked like she was about to poop, so I had to change her diaper. "Umm...which way up is the diaper supposed to go?" I asked Y/N after I called her, but her phone went to voicemail. 

After about ten minutes I figured it out, so I made Kiley a bottle, based on Y/N's instructions. Kiley drank almost all of her milk, but her eyes were about to shut. 

I put Kiley in her little swing thingy, so I could work on a new song. My music session got interrupted by a text from Andrew that read: 'you should be back at work, Kiley will be fine without her parents'. Andrew didn't seem to remember that he gave me paid paternity leave for three years, but the leave was from touring only, I still had to make music. 

That night when Y/N came home from work, after our dinner we talked about her getting longer maternity leave. "I used up my maternity leave days while I was pregnant remember" she said, getting up from the couch to breastfeed Kiley. 

"Ummm... Andrew said I should be back at work and touring again, but he gave me paternity leave" I told Y/N. "didn't Andrew say you could have three years off?" She asked. I showed her the text from Andrew. Y/N told me to call Andrew tomorrow, asking why he'd think that Kiley would be fine without either of us at home. "That's not fair, I mean when Justin Bieber had his child, scooter Braun gave him twenty years off... and I'm supposed to be back at work immediately after Kiley was home from hospital" I explained

Shawn mendes imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora