everything will be ok

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Trigger warning: mentions of rape 

Shawn's POV 

I woke up at 3 am to the sound of my phone ringing. "Hey baby" I said to Y/N who was on the other end. "Shawn, I need you to come get me" she said while sobbing. She told me where she was and I told her I'll be there in ten minutes. 

As soon as I saw her I could tell she was upset and looked like she was in pain. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, she shook her head. "Promise you won't tell anyone if I tell you something serious?" She asked, still sobbing. "Depends on what it is" I replied. 

"Ok, I was raped tonight" she managed to say. "By who?" I asked, so I could press charges. "I don't know his name, but while I was with one of my friends, he slipped something in my drink and I only remember being dragged upstairs and forcibly held down while he raped me and beat me up" she continued. I decided to drive to the police station to press charges. 

Y/N wanted me to carry her into the police station because she couldn't stand up for long periods of time. While we were in the police station, I got a proper look at my girlfriend, her clothes were ripped, she was covered in bruises and blood. 

After she was done talking to the cops and having some tests done to see if she had any internal damage, Y/N wanted to go straight home and sleep. "Don't cry, everything will be ok" I whispered to her while she slept after seeing some tears fall down her face. 

The next morning, I decided to run her a bath. "Can you get in with me?" She asked, of course I said yes. Whilst in the bath, I got a proper look at her once again. Her entire stomach and upper thigh areas were covered in a huge bruise that caused her to bleed. "You're still bleeding" I said, pointing to her stomach. 

I went and got a towel to clean the blood off her with. "Thanks, Shawn, I appreciate this" she said after she kissed me. "You're welcome, I'm sorry you got raped, no one should have to go through that" I said.

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