Family day out

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Shawn's POV 

"We should take the kids to see the Christmas lights in downtown Toronto" I told Y/N as she was breastfeeding our three month old son. "Yes, although Jason is only three months old and won't remember, I think Kiley would like that" she agreed. Because Kiley was almost two, she'd like it more than Jason would.

As I was telling Kiley what we were doing today, She thought it would be a good idea to throw a tantrum. "Babe, can you calm her down?" I called to my wife. Y/N reluctantly tried to calm her down, which seemed to work. "Shawn... there's one problem with your plan" Y/N told me. "Which is?" I asked, genuinely curious. "We don't have a plan for what happens if I get told I'm not allowed to breastfeed Jason in public". 

It was almost one pm, when we finally left the house and went downtown. "Oh no, Jason's hungry" Y/N realised as we were walking to the Christmas lights with the kids in a double stroller that we got sent in the mail. "Tell her to stop breast feeding" a rude man said, while pointing to my wife as she was feeding Jason. "No!! If my wife wants to breastfeed our kid in public, she should be able to" I reasoned with him. 

After that encounter with the rude man, we decided to go check out the Christmas market down the street. "Daddy, can I has?" Kiley asked while holding a shiny ornament. I decided that wouldn't be a good idea, considering that she'd break it easily. "I should go and change Jason's diaper" Y/N said, taking Jason with her into the bathroom.

While that was happening I went with Kiley into this little cafe and got a coffee, she had a hor chocolate. "These people kept telling me I shouldn't bring Jason into the ladies room to change his diaper, even though it was the only one with a changing table. They said 'next time, leave your son with your husband' and other stupid shit" Y/N said, feeling clearly distraught by the fact that she got told off pretty much twice today. 

"Let's just take the kids home and we can have a date night tonight" I whispered to her. "Won't they need a babysitter?" She asked. "Take them to your parent's house" I suggested.

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