Shawn Cheats while you're pregnant

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Your POV 

I was lying on the couch mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when Shawn came home and told me him and his friends were going out to eat. "How many of you are going?" I asked. "Six" he replied, opening his phone to respond to some texts. 

While Shawn was in the bathroom, I saw a text on his phone from a girl called Krisstyll. The text said: "can't wait for tonight. Did Y/N buy the lie that you were going out with your friends?"  I assumed she was just a friend of Shawn, but I knew something was up. 

At around 3 am, I tried getting to sleep but I just couldn't. Shawn came home and told me about 'dinner'. "Hey, babe?" I asked. "Yeah?" He replied. "If six of y'all went out, then four of you are really cheap" I continued. "Why's that?" He asked. "Only two of you had dinner, I found your credit card receipt" I finished. 

The next morning, Shawn said he has something to tell me. I thought it'd be something mundane like 'oh I'm going on tour' or 'I'm working on a new album', I didn't expect it to be "I'm cheating on you". After hearing that, I cried and cried. 

"Shawn, tell me, is there anything I can do?" I asked, wanting to know what drove him to cheat. "Actually there is" he replied. I asked what it was and he said he wanted me to lose weight because he doesn't like fat chicks. "I'm pregnant, you know that I'm pregnant" I replied. "So? Being pregnant isn't an excuse to be fat" he replied. "Do you want our baby to be born with a low birth weight because her dad wanted her mum to lose weight?" I asked. 

"The only reason I cheated is because you're pregnant" Shawn finally admitted.

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