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Your pov

Shawn came home from an industry party extremely drunk, not tipsy, not a little drunk but full on wasted. "I need you nowwwwwww" he whispered in my ear, slurring his words. "Not until you sober up" I replied, going to the bathroom and taking a shower. 

"Y/N!!!" Shawn yelled from the living room. "What?" I asked angrily. "I'm pregnant and I think I'm gonna have morning sickness" he explained, rushing to our bathroom whilst I was just getting out of the shower.  I shook my head at his stupidity, but by that time Shawn had already started throwing up. "Damn, how much did you drink?" I asked, holding his hair back so vomit wouldn't get into it. He never answered my question, too drunk to form clear sentences now.

He grabbed my hand and led us to our room. Lightly kissing my neck, I knew what Shawn wanted, but as he was drunk I told him to stop. "I thought you loved meeeeeee" he said, starting to cry. "Shawn, baby, I do love you. So much. But you're drunk and I'm not gonna be having sex with you tonight as I don't wanna take advantage of you" I reassured him, but that only made him more upset. I had left the room for about two minutes to get Shawn some water and by the time I got back, Shawn was jumping on our bed fully nude. 

'Oh please be careful'   I thought to myself, but knowing Shawn and his clumsy ass, I knew he'd either fall off or break our bed. "Y/N!!! Look what I can-" Shawn started, but he ended up falling and hurting himself on his butt. The soft carpet of our bedroom floor had caused Shawn to get carpet burn on his butt. "MY BUTT IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!" He sang horribly off key, causing me to giggle. 

"Shawn, we should get some sleep it's two am" I said, checking the time on my phone. I heard no response, so I went and checked if he was ok and there he was on the kitchen floor out cold. Physically having to drag a 188 pound man to bed was exhausting, but I did it anyways as I didn't want him to be uncomfortable. 

In bed that night, I only got a couple hours sleep as I was worried about Shawn's massive hangover the next day.

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