Last name

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Shawn's POV 

"Shawn?" My nine year old stepdaughter, Kiley asked. "Yes?" I replied. "How come my last name isn't the same as yours or mom's or Skylar's?" She wondered. She already knows that I'm not her dad, but I still love her as if she were my own.

"Ummm.... Kiley wants to change her last name to Mendes, I mean she already noticed that she doesn't have the same last name as her baby sister" I explained to my wife, Y/N. Kiley seemed to have heard that, and was now playing with Skylar. "Why do you wanna change your name?" Y/N asked Kiley.  "Because, Shawn will walk out on us if I'm not a Mendes" she explained. 

I was about to tell her that I'd never do that, I love my family, including her. But Skylar was crying so I had to feed her. "Skylar will notice too when she's older if I don't get my name changed" Kiley said. 

The next morning while Y/N was at work, I made plans to take Kiley to court to see if her name can legally be changed. "We're going to court" I said to Kiley as she was sitting in the back of my jeep, eating McDonald's fries and feeding one of them to Skylar. 

"Ok, well, the Ontario births deaths and marriages department will get back to you soon" the receptionist said.  "Dad?" Kiley asked, I smiled because this was the first time she called me dad ever, so it was a big deal. "Yes, honey?" I replied, still happy that she called me dad. "I wish my real dad was more like you" she continued. 

Two weeks later, while Kiley was at school, a letter came saying that the request to change her last name had been approved. "Hey mom!!!" I said just as my mom called me. "Yes, Shawn?" She asked. "Well, can you come over to help set up for the party. Bring dad too, and text Aaliyah to see if she can come" I said, not telling her what the party was for. 

"Shawn, what are we celebrating?" My dad asked. "They approved the request to change Kiley's last name to Mendes" I said. 

That afternoon, I picked Kiley up from school, her last day before summer break and told her we were celebrating. "Did I get the last name?" She asked. "Yes!!! You're officially a Mendes now" I said.

"Congrats" Aaliyah said to Kiley while the party was going on. "I even have a gift for my favourite niece" she said. "I thought Skylar was your favourite niece" Kiley said. The gift was a jacket that said "Mendes" on the back. "This is so cool!!! I think dad has one just like it" Kiley said. 

That night after the party, Kiley asked "now that I'm Kiley Mendes, can I call you dad?". I nodded,  but she already knew that I'm her dad even though I'm not her biological dad.

While both of the girls were in bed, my phone got a call from an unknown number. "Who's this?" I asked. "Kiley's real dad!" He harshly spat. "Well, I've raised her as my own since she was four, so technically I'm her dad" I said. The unknown number was being rude, so I blocked them.

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