Fell asleep on the couch

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Shawn's POV 

"It's fine, I can look after the kids" I told Y/N as she was heading to her first day of work after the birth of our son, Jason. "Ok, but if Jason or Kiley need anything, the emergency numbers are on the side of the fridge" she replied.

I decided to make our two year old daughter, Kiley, some pancakes for breakfast. Jason, still being so little only had milk. "Daddy, can we go to the park?" Kiley asked me. I nodded and told her to get dressed as I was changing Jason's diaper.

Once at the park, I let Kiley just run wild and do what she wanted. "KILEY ROSE MENDES! GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW" I shouted, after noticing that Kiley had taken Jason with her to the top of a slide and was about to go down it. She wouldn't listen to me so I had to climb to the top of the slide and take both kids down with me.

Deciding that I had enough of the park, I decided to take the kids home. Jason was snoring loudly, so I placed him in his little baby swing thingy and let him sleep. Kiley was about to fall asleep, so I decided to take a nap with her on the couch. 

It must've been a while that we were asleep, because Y/N had came home and gotten Jason out of the swing and was now breastfeeding him. "I'm kinda jealous of him" I said, pointing at Jason. "Why?" Was all my wife said. "He gets your boobs everyday, and I'm kinda mad that we haven't you know-" I started, but Y/N put her hand over my mouth to shush me. 

Kiley was still asleep, so I took her to her room and tucked her in. "Bedtime story?" She asked, pouting. "Not tonight, honey. It's way past your bedtime" I said, checking the time on my phone. Before I left the room, I kissed her tiny forehead and told her I loved her. 

"Aww, look at Jason's tiny fingers" I said, comparing his hands to mine. "I know. They're tiny compared to your huge hands" Y/N agreed. "But like, my hands literally cover his entire arm" I said, trying to calm a very very cranky Jason down and put him to bed.

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