Chapter 32: It's february

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       I smiled deeply walking back into the dance studio my third home. All the little kids ran up to me hugging me tightly. "Hey, guys," I say hugging them all before walking over to the teacher. "Ellery," she said with a smile giving me a hug "Where is Chris?" she then asked, "He will be here soon," I say. "Alright, kids back in the line-up," my dance teacher says before turning to me "We have new kids who are interested in dancing but they insist on talking to you and Chris.". "Why not you?" I asked looking back at her, she shrugged her shoulders "Something about seeing you to in the parade." she answered. Chris walks into the studio and all the little boys ran up to him asking about his scar. "Alright, kids" He smiled down to the "Maybe I show you it a little later" he whispered to the kids before looking up to see my face. "Maybe not," he said as he walked over to the teacher and I. "Chris, you will not be showing those little kids your scar," She said giving him the same look I gave him. "of course I won't," He said with a sly smirk and she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, El baby they're in my office waiting for you both," she said before going back to the kids. 

         "So why doesn't this kid want to talk to the teacher," he asked as we walked to her office. "She said maybe it's because of our performance during the Christmas performance" I answered. "That was a while ago," he said, "It's February calm down," I say as we open the door. I saw the little boy with a little girl sitting in a chair. "Hi, I'm Ellery and this is Chris" I answered as the little boy turned around to see us, Well he actually wasn't little maybe a freshman in high school. "Hey I'm Lucas and this is Jada," he said introducing us Chris shook the boy and girls hand as did I. I Leaned against the desk in the office as Chris stood next to me "What makes you guys want to come to see us?" Chris asked. "We saw your performance at the Christmas parade," Lucas said. "Yeah we get that, but it's February now about to march," Chris said and I looked at him then back at the kids "I'm sorry will you excuse us for a moment," I say. 

     "What was that Chris," I said as we stood outside the office "what was what?" he asked. "The little attitude in there," I say "Nothing," he says. "Is it because of the ..." I say me and Chris never actually talked about what happened. "No," he says folding his arms "Chris obviously it's something, and I know we haven't talked about it," I say. "It's just we preformed this dance in December, it's almost March," he says. I looked at him confused "Don't look at me like that!" he shouted before whispering  "All I'm saying is they got to be a follow up from the attack". I jumped a little at his sudden rise of voice before saying "There like 14, 15". "Oscar a senior obviously they don't care about age" he says now completely sounding paranoid. "It's about to be March and right after our attack they automatically want to join," he says. "It's February 5th," I say still very confused about why he says it's close to March. "No, your wrong," he says pulling out his phone and looking at the calendar seeing it says February 5th. "Chris I'm going to call Abel to come to get you and I will just drive your truck back okay," I say before calling my brother. 

       We got him in the car and I kiss his forehead before shutting the door "Ellie" Abel said. "I don't know Ab honestly I've always seen him tough never broken," I say my eyes low. "Not every man can be tough all the time" He sighs. "Just take him back to the house please I'll be there in an hour," I say and he nods. I walk back to the office to see Lucas and Jada still there "I'm sorry" I say shut the door. "Is he okay?" Lucas asked "No, he not but he will be better soon," I say. "Why did it take you to so long to come to us," I asked, "We had to get our parents' permission and the money for it," he said. I nod "Are you to related?" and they laughed "No this is my girlfriend?" he said. "Oh my bad," I said then asked, "Why did you choose me and Chris?". "Well see I do ballet and she does more of Freestyle I guess that's what you call it" he answered. "Well, the kids have all went home so why don't you show me what you got". 

       They finished dancing and I mean they were really good I really think we could use them. "Well that was really good, I look forward to seeing you both at practice soon," I say smiling as they thanked me. I grabbed my stuff and walked out walking towards Chris truck my heart beats faster. I took a deep breath as all the memories from that night start flooding back it felt like my breath was being taken from me. I gripped my chest tighter in my hands before I felt hands go around me I screamed aloud. "Let me go!" I scream "It's me, It's me," my dad said hugging on to me. "WH-what are you doing here" my voice shook as I try to catch my breathe "your brother was worried about you" he answered. Tears streamed down my face "Daddy I don't know what to do" I say. He pulled me into a hug tightly rubbing my hair calming down "I know" he said. "You and Chris haven't talked about it you pushed it away instead of accepting what happened to you" he answered. I pulled away from him as he whipped my tears off my face "when your ready I'll drive you home" he said. "What about your bike," I asked "I'll have your grandpa swing by to get it" he answered. 

      I walked through the front door, I saw Abel stand up as me and my dad slowly walked into the living room. "Chris is in your room," Abel said to me and I looked at my dad "You to both need to talk about what happened, you can't keep pushing it away," my dad said. I nodded and before I walk down the hall to my room my dad adds "Keep the door open". I walk into my room seeing Chris sitting up on my bed his hands in his hair. "Chris," I say as I slowly sit beside him "I don't understand," he said his voice low. "You don't understand what?" I asked "Why did they do that to us" he looked at me his eyes watery. "They said it was because of Oscar" I answered "No that doesn't make sense," he said. "Then you hurt me and Abel not me and you," he says "Maybe I wasn't supposed to be there" I added. He looked at me "Oliver liked me to a point where he wanted me, So maybe he was targeting you not me" I say. "They jumped you, they pushed me into your truck. held me down, kicked me and smacked me around, but they came at you with a knife and 4 guys" I added. 

         "I didn't notice what they were doing to me honestly I didn't care all I cared about was if you were safe. All I kept hearing was you fighting or you screaming, then I seen you get in my truck. I knew you were trying to get your phone to call somebody and then I saw that man crawl in my truck after you and thought the worst." Chris said tears slowly falling down his face. "I did too, He was grabbing at me trying to pull me close to him that's why I never got to call anyone," I say. "Then I saw your face hit the cement I was so hurt I remember calling for you because for a moment you didn't move," he said. "What?" I say I remembered falling out of the truck but I thought I got up off the ground right after my face hit the ground. "Yeah babe, You didn't move at all for what felt like minutes your eyes were closed too, Then I watched that man yank you off the ground," he said. "I couldn't do anything and that killed me, when they came at me with a knife I didn't care all I was worried about is if they were going to stab you after me, but instead of stabbing you they smacked you around. I couldn't watch them hit you and I couldn't move so instead I closed my eyes. When I opened them you were crying and screaming on the ground as they kicked you before they left." He said and I rubbed my sides from where the bruises were as I looked at him.

      "I wasn't tough for you, I tried fighting them but it was to many, and then I thought will If I let them beat me they wouldn't harm you," he said. "Chris I don't blame you for what they did, regardless they were going to hurt me because I was there," I say rubbing his back. He took a deep shaky breathe "I still feel that I could have done more" he says. "No Chris, they probably would have killed you and I couldn't have lived with that" I answered. "Wow," he says "What?" I asked "It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders," he said. I whipped my hands a crossed his cheeks to clear away the tear stains. "It feels a lot better talking about then holding it in" I answered before he gave me a kiss. "I'm always here for you okay, nothing like that will ever happen again, I swear it," he said placing his forehead on mine. "I know Chris, I know," I say softly before he kissed my nose. 

The End.

A/N: Well I hope you all enjoyed this story!! like, comment and please share.

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