Chapter 26: Once a player always a player

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Grandma was at the house early this morning to Take me to school this morning so I let her do my hair. I still haven't heard any thing from chris since that night which it hurt.

Text Messages Starts

Unknown Number: I want to taste those lips like Chris has gotten to.

Me: Look dude I'm really feed up with your mess, So if your not going to tell me who you are today then please leave me the hell alone Creep. 

Unknown Number: Oh since when can sweet ole Ellery stick up for herself 

Me: I have always been able to stick up for myself my brother just loves to do it for me you Creap!

 Text Message Ends.

      I lock my phone and closed my locker my day barley started and it already sucks."Hey you okay?" Ava said as she walked over to me with frank. "Yep I'm lovely" I say. "No your not" Frank said as Victoria walked over "What going on" she asked. "Ellery pissed early this morning" Ava said "did you have coffee this morning?" Victoria asked me. "Yes" I say softly walking to my next class. "Still no word from him huh?" Victoria asked and I shock my head no. "Wait Chris hasn't texted you since that night you to did the dirty" Ava said a slight whisper. "You did the dirty?" Frank said surprised I gave a look at frank. "You think thats all he wanted in the relationship?"  Victoria asked "I don't even know anymore" I say walking into my class.

      I was in my last block waiting for the bell to ring when the guy siting next to me started laughing and staring at me and so did the girls in front of him. The bell rings so I get my stuff and walk into the hall seeing pictures on the lockers. I get to my locker to see a bunch of people crowding around it "Not so innocent" one guy said. Thats when I what was posted on every locker, on every wall in the school. It was pictures of me and Chris making out one was even the picture of us in his truck the night we had sex. My heart was beating so fast and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I seen Victoria and Ashonti down the hall taking down the photos then I seen frank staring at me. "Who the fuck finds this funny bro!" Ava shouted holding one of the photos. I dropped my books and bag on the ground and ran out the door hearing the people laughing. I ran into someone at the doorway "Ellery you okay" he asked I looked up and notice it was oscar. He looked down the hall "Oh I see you got what you deserved for letting him love you" he said with a wink. My heart sunk Oscar the kid who played on my brothers team was the creap who been texting me. I pulled away from his grip and ran out the school i heard victoria calling for me but I kept running. 

    I ran all the way to the club wanting to find my dad but all I found was Abel talking on the phone. I ran to him hugging him crying "She here now thanks" he said getting off the phone "Ashonti told me" was all he said. "Sit here I'm going to get dad their at the table." He said as I sat at the picnic table  "Abel, he going to be mad at me" I say. "He needs to know Ellery" he tells me "Please Abel" i say crying more when my grandma comes over. "What happened?" she said worried "something happened to ellery at school" he answered her. "What did someone hurt you" she said "No grandma" I say. "Go get your father" She said to Abel "No please!" I say "You need to explain this to your father Ellery" she says to me. 

   When Abel walked inside the club Chris pulled up in his car and got out coming towards me. "Grandma can you give me a minute alone please" I say as I walk over to Chris. "What you come here to see how much your trick you pulled hurt?" I asked him. "What Ellery? I heard what happened to you" he answered "Oh yeah don't act like you had nothing to do with this" I responded. "I don't Ellery" he said as he went to put his arm on my shoulder "Sure you don't Chris! Those pictures were of me and you on our dates that no one knew about because you randomly popped up wanting to go on a date!" I say shoving away from him. "Ellery what pictures?" he asked "The pictures everytimes we kissed even that night in your truck" I crying. "Ellery I never took photos of us doing that stuff" he said. "Like you didn't tell your buddy so they could be there to photos of us!" "I told my buddies i was dating someone but i never told them where we would be or who you were". "Don't worry this is OVER, Everything is OVER, I don't want to be your dance partner your girlfriend or your friend!" I screamed. "Ellery please don't say that please baby" he said crying "Once a player always a player how stupid of me" i say hiting him away from me. "Ellery don't say that" He said "Leave" I said clamly "LEAVE" i screamed before he walked to his car.

   There I was siting on a bed in a room in the club house with my dad brother and grandparents. "Tell us what happened" my dad said "Just bullies" I say looking at my hands. "Tell them the whole story El" Abel said from the corner of the room. "It's okay Ellery we won't be mad at you" my grandma said siting beside me rubbing my back. "Yes you will" I say to her "Tell us darlin" my dad said from the chair in front of me. "The stalker guy came back and I didn't tell anybody because I thought he would disappear, If he seen that I clearly wasn't into him. He didn't go away. Today I was tired of the messages about how he wanted to know what my lips tasted like bullshit so I told him to leave me the Hell alone. He posted photos of me and another guy kissing and doing other stuff all over the school" I say looking at my dad. "What type of stuff?" my grandpa asked me but I didn't answer. I watched my dads face change "I'm sorry dad I thought the guy really liked me and I didn't want to bother you with the stalker guy. I really thought that guy liked me" I say crying and my dad hugged me. "Shh, It's okay, We will handle this okay" my grandma told me as my dad held me rubbing back my hair.

The End

A/N: What do you think will happen next? Will Ellery and Chris get back together or even on friendly terms? What will be done about Oscar?

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