Chapter 24: Are you dating my sister

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          I walked into school with Ava and frank they have been getting a long well since she started here. "Hey guys" Victoria said walking over to us "Hey" I say to her with a smile and give her hug and so did frank. "This is Ava, Chibs daughter" I say to victoria "Hey Nice to meet you" Victoria told her. "Same to you" she said back as we walked to our lockers I see abel come around the corner with Chris. "Ellery outside now" Abel tells me as Ashonti walks over to us "What Abel, are you okay?" I asked and he grabs my arm. "Abel don't grab her like that" Ashonti said "Yeah Abel I will go outside with you" I say and he lets go of my arm. Well I didn't go alone Victoria, Ava, Frank, Ashonti and Chris followed us. We got outside where there were no one else around and Abel looked at me. Clearly he was mad at something he turned his glance to Chris "Are you dating my sister!" he said anger driping from his words. "What Abel are you kidding me, We aren't ..." I was cut off by chris saying "Yeah I'm dating her man". Abel pushes Chris up against the wall "Abel!" Ashonti said shocked. I stand in between Abel and Chris before my brother could throw a punch. "Stop this right now, Chris is your best friend wIll you chill out" I say looking up at Abel.

      "I'm not going to let him treat you like he treated every other girl he been with" Abel said looking at chris. "He isn't Abel he's being real kind and he taking it slow with me" I say to him. "Why would he do that, I know his type I use to be a player just like him" Abel asked. "I've changed Abel. I'm not going to hurt your sister man, I would never do that to her" Chris said holding the back of his head. "You changed my Ass" abel said staring at Chris "Why is that so hard to believe Abel?" I asked him "You changed why can't he?" I added. "Abel your dating me last time I checked I am one of your sisters Best friends, She didn't act like this when you told her we were together and she knew how you were she gave me warnings but never shoved me into a wall for dating you." Ashonti spoke out with her arms crossed. Abel sighed "Your right, I will give it a chance but swear to god chris ..." "If I hurt her or get her pregnant you will beat the living shit out of me" Chris said cutting him off. "Exactly" Abel said as him and chris gave each other a hug before we go back into the school.

     Me and Victoria were siting at our normal lunch table when a guy walked over to us. "Hey Victoria Delaney right" he asked "Yeah that's me" she said "So did you take over mommy's porn business?" he asked her. "Hey shit head what's your problem" Ava asked him hearing what he said to victoria. "Don't worry Ava" was all victoria said "So your telling me your not following in mommy footsteps, Being the big porn director or are you going to be a pornstar" he said but she ignored him. "Hey why don't you go on some where can't you see she doesn't give a crap about you or your questions." I spoke out. "All I'm asking is if I get to look forward to the both of you in a movie. What do you say about that Porn star delaney?" he asked. Victoria looked at me and nodded to him I smiled knowing exactly what she wanted to do. 

       We opened our milk cartons and poured it on him "You stupid little bitches!" he shouted as he shoved me and victoria down. Ava jumps on to him after he shoved me and victoria on the floor. Thats when I seen Abel and chris running over helping me and victoria up "What happened" Chris asked "He was picking on victoria" was all I said, Abel and chris were sent into a rage. Chris grabbed Ava off the kids back "we got this" he said as Abel threw a punch at the boy. Next thing I know Abel was fighting the boy and Chris was fighting the boy cousin who jumped on Abel after Abel threw the punch. Nobody was trying to break up the fight so me, Victoria, Ashonti, Frank and Ava decide to do so. I grab chris and victoria grabs the cousin and we pull them apart. "Stop chris" I say as he struggling to get back to the cousin who victoria was holding back. Frank and Ava were pulling apart Abel and the kid while Ashonti helped Ava hold back Abel. 

     Me, Chris, Abel, Victoria, and Ava were siting in the prinicpal office waiting for him to ask us a question. "Ms. delaney and Ms. teller I'm surprised to see you to in my office. I'm very disappointed in you both, Mr. Teller, Mr. Valterson I'm not surprised, But Ms. Telford you are off to a very bad start at this school." prinicpal Clark said. "Ms. Teller explain to me what happened" he said and they all looked at me. "He was messing with Victoria" I say "You care to elaborate?" he asked me. "He was calling her names like pornstar delaney then asked if me and her would do a porn movie together" I say. "Is that why you poured milk on him" he said looking at victoria "Yes sir, He disrespected me and my mother" she said. "Why did you jump on him Ms. Telford" he said looking at Ava. "He shoved Ellery and Victoria to ground, I was afraid he was going to hit them, So I jumped on him" Ava told him. "Mr. Teller" he said looking at my brother "He disrespected my Family, I come to this school everyday looking out for my sister and her friends, You disrespect them you disrespect me. I will not let a boy put hands on or call them a name" Abel told him. 

      "Mr. Valterson" he said looking at chris "He put hands on the girls, Thats not right, Also his punk cousin thought it would be cute to jump on my boy here" Chris said. "Ellery, Victoria, and Ava you have detention this afternoon your parents or gaurdian needs to be here to pick you up and boys you will be suspended for 3 days along with the other two who were fighting." princpal clark said as we get ready to leave his office "Boys Next time leave it to the school security to handle it" Mr. Clark said. "Yeah cause that worked so great the first time" Abel mumbled as we left the room. "I will tell dad you need him to come get you later" abel said to me "Yeah alright" I say with a smile. "Well how are you three going to survive detention" chris said with a laugh "I've done it before in my old school" Ava said it. I looked at victoria "I have no clue" I said to her "Yeah me either" she said. We see the boy and his cousin walk out of the nurses office their faces bruised and bloody. We all looked at each other and busted out into laughter as we walked down the hall "What a day" Ava said to us.

The end

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