chapter 30: HELP

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      "CHRIS!" I screamed as the boy he shoved earlier tackled him to the grown. I pulled my self up off the ground. I used Chris truck to help steady me as I saw the guy and Chris fighting so I ran to pull the guy off. "Stop! Please" I shout pulling on the boy's arm before being grabbed. I get drugged away as 3 of the guy's friends jump on Chris. "Let me go!" I screamed before kicking the boy who grabbed me before running to the truck to grab my phone. I go to open the truck door when someone shoves me inside.
       The boy climbs into the truck with me as he tried to grab me. I screamed as the boy grabbed my waist but I opened the door falling out of the truck. I hit the ground face first, I go to lift my head up and could see the boys hitting and kicking Chris. "Chris! Chris" I cried as the one who was trying to hold me back picked me up off the ground. "Why do this to us please we don't know you," I say crying as he held me tightly. "This is payback for Oscar" was what he whispered in my ear as he pinned me up against the truck. I kept hitting him "I didn't do anything to Oscar!" I screamed at him. That's when I noticed they were wearing cuts. Mayans it read "you're, Oscar is to," I say looking at him he smiled.

        "Please stop, the sons will find out what you did and it will bring serious heat," I say but the guy punches me. I fall to the ground and I see the 4 boys back off of Chris. I then see one of the boys with a knife walking towards Chris. "NO!" I shout before he stabs Chris in the thigh. Chris screams loudly "you bitch!" He screams before getting punched in the face. I start crawling to Chris before one of the boys kicked me. I grip my stomach and roll over before one grabs my face. "Now you know, what type of friends Oscar has you bitch," he said before punching me again. I fell to the ground from the impact of the hit. I laid there griping the side of my stomach from where they kicked me. I looked over at Chris seeing him grip his thigh where the knife still was then I watched them leave.

        I get up slowly and stumble over to Chris. "Come on, We got to go to the club," I say. I go to help him get up his face beat up pretty bad. I draped his arm over my shoulder and carry him to the truck. I opened the door and tried to help him get in "ow!" He screams. "Sorry ... Sorry" I say before shutting his door and going to the driver's side. I looked at his leg "take it out Ellery" he said to me. "Are you crazy! It might be way more blood if we do that" I say. "Give me your keys" I say to him and he gives me this look. "You can't drive like that," I say and he hands me his keys. I start the truck and start speeding out the parking lot. I looked over at Chris and see him getting sleepy "Chris stay awake we are almost to the club" I say to him as I come flying around the corner.

      "Help!" I scream as I opened the door to the club. I place Chris on the couch before barging into the chapel. I saw all the boys sitting around the table which they stopped talking as soon as I opened the door. "ELLERY!" My dad says angry I interrupted the meeting. "Daddy you got to help him," I say and that's when they noticed my busted lip and head. "Help who?" Uncle tigs asked as my dad asked: "who did this to you". I get them to get out of the chapel and that when they see Chris on the couch with a knife in his leg. Uncle chibs run over there to him to see what happened. My dad placed his hands on my cheek making me look at him. "Tell me what happened," he said to me. "We were on a ..." I go to say something before Chris started screaming. That's when I started feeling dizzy and I gripped my dad's arm before everything went black.

      I woke up seeing an American flag on the wall as my vision cleared. I looked around seeing Victoria, Ava, Frank, and Ashanti sitting around the bed. "Guys," I say low my voice dry. "Hey, your awake" Victoria said as she moved over to hold my hand. I go to sit up slowly "be careful," Ava said. I leaned against the headboard "is Chris okay?" I asked "Yeah, he is the living room chib patched him up," Frank said. "What happened El?" Victoria asked looking at me. Ashanti handed me some water and I took a sip. "Mayans," I say lowly and Victoria looked at Ava. "Why?" Ava asked looking back at me. "Oscars one of them, it was payback," I said. "For what Abel and Chris did?" Ashanti asked me and I nodded. "I thank so" I responded, "what did they do?" Ava asked. "We don't exactly know" I answered "I'm not telling them it was the Mayans that will start a war," I say. Everyone nodded when a knock came to the door. Frank went to open it to see my dad and brother standing there. "Hey she awake," my dad asked and Frank nodded.

     My friends left the room so my dad and brother could talk to me. Dad sat beside me on the bed and Abel stood across from us. "El what were you doing out last night?" my dad asked me. "I was on a date with Chris," I said lowly. "On a date?" He asked as if he was checking if he heard that correctly. "Yeah," I say and my dad looked at Abel "its been going on for a while" Abel answered. My dad clenched his fist and looked back at me. "What happened?" He asked "We were leaving the movies and these guys jumped us" I answered. "How many?" Abel asked "5" I answered. "5!" My dad said angerly "one held me back as 4 jumped on him" I answered. "Did they hit you?" My dad asked. "On shoved me into the side of the truck then I went to get into his truck trying to get my phone to call you but he climbed in with me so I climbed out and landed on my face then one kicked me and hit me" I answered. "Why did they do this?" Abel asked looking at me. "It was payback," I answered as my dad gave me a look waiting for more. "Form Oscar" I answered looking up at Abel. My dad followed my gaze to my brother "what did you do" my dad said getting off the bed. "I handled it" he answered "handled it? Look at your sister does that look like you handle it!" My dad yelled pointing back at me.

     "Me and Chris we heard about what he did to her so we went to his place. Me and Chris got our hits in" Abel said back to my dad. "So the boys were after Chris, not Ellie," my dad said. "I hit Oscar in school and also exposed him," I said quietly. "You did what?" My dad asked turning to me. "Exposed him to the school" I answered. My dad looked between me and Abel "I don't know if I should be proud of you for sticking up for your sister or be proud of you for sticking up for yourself" my dad said to me and Abel. We all laughed slightly before my dad left the room. "Abel can you help me up I want to go out and see everybody," I asked him. He nodded and walked over to me and gently helped me off the bed since my side still hurt. "Thanks, dummy," I say with a smile. "No problem idiot" he answered back as we walked slowly to the door then down the hall.

    I walked into the area where everyone was Abel standing beside me. I see half-sack uncle happy, uncle chibs, grandpa and grandma turn to look at me. "Awe baby girl," my grandma said putting her hands on my cheeks. "I'm fine I just want to see Chris," I say as I slowly walk past all of them to where I see all my friends sitting with him. I walked over to there slowly before sitting beside him carefully. I looked at his leg all bandaged up. "I'm sorry," I say to him as he placed his thumb under my chin. He lifted up my chin to look at my bruises. "I'm fine," I say sadly "what a worst first date" he chuckled. "You can make it up to me later" I smiled as he kissed the bandage on my forehead. "You still look very beautiful" he whispered to me. I blushed deeply noticing everyone and I mean everyone looking at us. This was going to be interesting.

A/N: Heyy everyone. It has taken me longer to post this chapter then I wanted it to but I have no way to type this up really now. But I am going to try to get back to it as soon as I can.

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