Chapter 8: Earth to Teller

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Sorry I have been having writer's block

          It's been a couple of days and my brother is coming back to school now but he can't drive so grandma taking us. I had tucked my shirt in my skirt then put on my dads old jean jacket, of course, it had Samcro on the back but that's fine my long hair and book bag will cover it. I put on my long black socks then my white converses. I looked at my outfit in the mirror it didn't look bad at all I heard a knock on the door before he came in. "Hey, you look pretty today baby girl." my dad said to me as he stood in the door. "Is that my jacket" he then asked "Yeah ... uh did you want it back" I say with a smile "No, I like it on you-you keep it baby girl." he said walking over to me kissing my forehead.  we heard a beep outside "well your grandma is here" he said and I nodded going to my bed and grabbing my book bag.
          "Alright, my babies have fun at school today. I will swing by later to pick you to up after practice." She said as we got out of the car. "Alright you stick close to me," Abel said to me. "Abel it's fine really. I don't think the guy will mess with me again" I say softly. We got to the entrance of the school and stopped "Are you sure?" He asked looking down at me. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you scared him off," I say. "Well look if anything happens you come to find me," he said rubbing my shoulder. "Got it," I say and walk into the building. I went to my locker and smiled already seeing Frank and Victoria there. "Hey guys," I say "Hey el," Frank said and Victoria hugged me. "You look cute today," Ashanti said walking over to us. "Awe thanks," I said and hugged her tightly.
       I walked into my third block class which I was kind of happy about because that means I'm closer to lunch. My third block teacher Mrs. Smith talked about her life more than math. So I was more than happy when that lunch bell rang I got up so fast and practically ran to the lunch room. "Hey Ellery what's up," Frank said as I sat at the table. "Nothing just Mrs. Smith keeps talking about her life today," I say. "Hey plus side you might not get any work today," he said as Victoria and Ashonti walked over with Chris. I looked at Chris with a questioning look as he sat beside me. "Hey, I need to talk to you in private." He said looking at me. "Well Chris I hate to inform you but we are at school there aren't many private places here," I said back. He looked around as if he was thinking of something. "Let me take you to dance after football." He said to me "Yeah that also gives you time to help me with my solo for competition and practice our duet for comp" I said. "Meet me out by the fields later," he said before leaving. All of my friends looked at me "what" I said and they just shook their heads and went back to eating.
          3:05 the bell rang letting us know that school was over. I walked over to my locker after saying goodbye to my friends. I opened my locker to get my books out and noticed a note. I unfolded the note and it read: *I've been watching you ... There so many things I want to do to you. I can't wait till your finally mine.* I starred at the note not knowing what to do. I know Abel wants me to tell him but is that the right thing to do? I have to tell him he's my older brother he will know what to do. I made my way to the boy's locker room. I stood outside the door trying to gather myself before walking in there. I covered my eyes as I opened the door "Abel?" I said. "Woah Ellery what are you doing in here" I hear a similar voice say and I uncover my eyes. Woah Chris body was just ... Wow. "Earth to a teller," he said waving his hand in front of my face. "Oh where Abel," I say looking at him trying to fight my urge to stair at his amazing body. He over there "he said his head was bothering him That's why we are all quiet in here," he said pointing to Abel. Abel was gripping his head slightly I thanked Chris before I walked over to him. "Abel? Are you ok" I asked him softly. "Yeah I'm fine," he said "are you sure," I said double checking. "Yeah what about you ... Did you need anything" he said. "No not all just checking on you" I lied. I know I know I was supposed to tell him but he was already in pain he doesn't need to be bothered with this. 
                 Football practice was over and Abel and I walked to grandma car. "Hey babies," she said as she gave us a hug. "Hey grandma," Abel said as he put his bag in the trunk. "Hey, little teller you ready?" I heard Chris shout from the back. "Oh I hope you don't mind grandma but Chris is giving me a ride to dance so we can go over some idea for our competition," I say to her. "Oh no, not at all. Don't forget chibs is picking you up later." She said. I nodded hugged her and walked over to Chris as I waved goodbye. Chris opened the car door for me "Well thank you kind sir" I say with a laugh. "My pleasure madam" He bowed and laughed. I got in the car and buckled my seat belt as he got in. The first few minutes of the ride was very awkward and silent we didn't even have music playing. "What did you want to talk about?" I finally asked "Oh yeah that I wanted to talk about the kiss," he said a little nervous. "Oh I'm fine it's fine really. I'm sorry if it was terrible That was my first kiss." I said playing with my fingers. "Really?" he said sounding surprised "Why do you sound so surprised?" I say. "Well because you were one of the best kisses I have and I mean I'm not going to lie I did date a lot of people,"  he said. "Oh well Thanks I guess," I said and went back to looking out the window not really wanting to finish the conversation. 

               I did my stretches as we talked about things. "What song are you doing for your solo," He asked. "Recovery by James Arthur" I answered. "oh that's a good one good beat," he said. "Thanks" I smiled   "did you find a song for our duet" I then asked "Yeah what about love the way you lie," he asked. "yeah that sounds good." I say finishing my stretches "I already got some move down if you want to practice them" he asked. "Yes, of course, let me put on the song," I say and ran over to the speaker plugging in the music. "Ok so at the beginning of the song I figured you stand right here and I will stand here behind you and then when she goes Just gonna stand there and watch me burn. We will raise our hands up like this" I raise my hands up "No not like that like this" he said grabbing my arms and showing me. "Then the part But that's alright because I like the way it hurts we drop our hands and I will grab your wrist like this just tell me if I'm hurting you. then you're going to throw up your hands and I'm going to fall back" We continued to practice with the dance moves me and him going back and forth about the choreography. 

           "Can you hit a full split?" He asked me. "Yeah like this," I said and went all the way to the ground "Shit yeah exactly like that," he said admiring what I did. "Can you do that for when he says I suffocate and right before I'm about to drown."   We practice some more moves together "Hey what about at the end you run and jump into my arms" he asked. "why" I asked confused. "Well the song ends by saying I love the way you lie and let's face it some don't see that they are in an abusive relationship and even if they do see it they still believe the person loves them." he said "So me jumping back meaning I still love you even if your love is a lie" I said.  "Yeah see you get it," he said laughing. I laughed "Let's practice the jump," I said. "Yeah just remember to point your toes".He wanted to stretch again before I jumped into his arms "This kinda worries me" I spoke out. "Why you worried I can't hold, you," Chris said looking at me while he stretches laughing a little. I didn't say anything I mean that's really what I was worried about. "Ellery don't worry about that you're not going to be heavy alright I got you," he said reassuring me.  

                     I looked at him "you ready?" I asked him again and he nodded. I pointed my toes and ran to him. When I jumped up he lifted me up and then brought me back down so I so wrap my legs around his torso. He held me tightly to him and I laughed. "We did it," I say "Your not heavy" he responded as he stared in my eyes. I put my forehead against his smiling at him his eyes stared at my lips and then back up at my eyes. I kissed him I know bold move right but he kissed me back instantly. Soon my back was against the wall and my left hand was placed on the back of his neck my right hand in his hair. His right hand on my waist slowly moving up his left squeezing my thigh. The kissing got deeper and I could feel him starting to really enjoy himself which made me blush. "ELLERY TELLER!" I heard a familiar voice shout at us. 

The End 

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this one I will upload the second part to this as soon as possible. Leave a comment 

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