Chapter 16: I got up at 9

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I wake up to my phone lighting up in my face then I realized Chris wasn't beside me anymore. He been staying at our house for a couples days now ever since spring break started, he started sneaking in my room and sleeping with me 2 days ago. I decided to just check my phone to see why.

Group Messages start:

F-R-I-E-N-D-S: Victoria: Everybody my house now!

F-R-I-E-N-D-S: Ashonti: Is everything okay

F-R-I-E-N-D-S: Victoria: Yes I just need advice

F-R-I-E-N-D-S: Frank: I'm on my way now!

F-R-I-E-N-D-S: Ashonti: Me to be there in a few.

F-R-I-E-N-D-S: Victoria: Ellery get up and bring your ass

F-R-I-E-N-D-S: Me: Damn girl I'm on my way I just woke up.

I get up and  throw on my shoes and not even change clothes running out of my room to the living room where Abel, Chris and my dad  was. "Let me borrow the car?" I asked my dad and he gave me this look. "Victoria needs me dad can I please use the car I have my license, I just need to be there" I said to him."Alright you text when you get there" he said tossing the keys at me "Thank you so much dad" I say catching the keys then run out the door. I get in the car and start to back out of the drive way. 

        I get to her house and park already seeing Frank and Ashonti there well they did live closer to her then I did. I walked in and seen Mrs. Delaney "hello Momma Luann" I said and she pointed to Victoria room. I walked down to the door to see them all siting in a circle "What did I walk in on cult practice or something." I asked with a laugh. "I wish" Frank said back with another laugh "Just sit" Victoria said. I took a sit beside and frank "so whats wrong?" I asked her "Yeah you gave me a fright" Ashonti added. "Juice Asked me out " Victoria said "dude I got up at 9 because a guy you have a massive crush on asked you out" frank said falling back onto the floor. "Better be glad I love you" he said throwing his hands to his face. "Well that's great right you to already kissed" Ashonti said "Well chris and Ellie kiss all the time but they aren't together" Victoria added. "Well dang" I say with a laugh "I don't know if I can date someone in the club though" Victoria said "What if the same thing that happened to my dad happens with juice" she said looking down. 

              "Your mom and dad were they happy before he was in jail?" Ashonti asked "They were like a dream they never fought and I don't know they were just in love" Victoria said. "Juice isn't your dad, sure they are both in the same club but doesn't mean they will end up the same way." I said. "You like him, he likes you, From what I have seen is he is very loyal to his friends so imagine what it would be like when you to start dating" Ashonti said. "Do you want to be with him?" Frank asked "Yes I do he makes me happy" she smiled. "Then him being apart of a club that you and Ellie here grew up around doesn't really matter does it?" he stated siting back up and looked at her. "No your right Frank," she said getting up grabbing her phone calling him "Oh shit put that shit on speaker best" frank said. "Be bold sis" Ashonti said "Hold up did frank just say best?" I said. "Yeah well, y 'all are my best friends so not that big of a deal."he said as Victoria sat down putting her phone in the middle of us. "No laughing guys he can't know its on speaker" Victoria said.

Phone Call starts: 

Juice: Hello 

Victoria: Hey, how's your day

Juice: It's been good thanks for asking

Victoria: Your welcome   

Juice: So have you thought about the thing I asked you. 

Victoria: About me being your girlfriend, Yes I thought about it

Juice: So what do you say?

Victoria: I will love to be your girlfriend Mr. Ortiz 

Juice: AWESOME!  I mean Cool 

Victoria: Well I have to go bye

Juice: Bye

       It's been 2 hours since Victoria has told Juice that she wanted to be his girlfriend. Me and Ashonti were staying with her tonight my grandma was bringing my clothes over later. "Do y 'all want to make cookies" Victoria said looking at us from her bed. "Yes!" Ashonti said happily "No eating all the cookie dough El" Victoria said pointing at me. "Come for my life why don't you" I laugh getting off the floor with Ashonti help before we head down stairs. "Hey mom want to make cookies with us" Victoria asked her mom who was siting on the couch watching TV. "Of course" her mom said meeting us in the kitchen. Me and Ashonti always liked Victoria mom she was super sweet and love to have me and Ashonti over. "Well girls we have chocolate chip and double chocolate chunk." her mom said as she went into the freezer. We all looked at each other and thought a moment before saying "Chocolate chip" at the same time. 

      We started rolling out the dough then put some on the cookie sheet as I snuck one. "Ellery!" Victoria said looking at me "It was just one" I said. "Better be woman" Victoria said as someone knocked on the front door "I will get it y' all put the cookies in the oven" Mrs. Dulaney said leaving the kitchen. "Hey girl!" I heard my grandma say "Oh sweet my grandma here" I said and leave the kitchen once we put the cookies in the oven. "Hey guys I brought dinner for everyone" my grandma said walking into the dining room. "Wow something smells really good" my grandma added "We are making cookies grandma" I said hugging her. "Yep the kids wanted to bake some cookies out of no where" Luann (Victoria mom)  said. "Well they smell delicious" my grandma said as she handed us a cheese burger and fries. "Grandma this is Ashonti, Abel girlfriend" I said since grandma never meet her. "This is the lovely girl I heard so much about" she said and hugged her "Oh uh yes ma'am" Ashonti said. 

         Grandma stayed over for another hour and she also took home some cookies for my grandpa. We sat there enjoying the cookies and the movie the internship before bed. I went upstairs after the movie with Victoria and Ashonti as chris text me. 

Text message begins: 

Chris: You know the months almost over.

Me: Yeah I noticed

Chris: You not coming home tonight

Me: No I'm staying with my best friends

Chris: Oh Kinda hoping I would be able to hold one last time.

Me: Well my best friends are better lol

Chris: Mhm babe sure lol

Me: Goodnight 

Chris: Goodnight sleep tight baby. 

The End

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