"What happened?" Tai asked.

"Raya went off to find food with Lunamon and left Tk and I on the dock. She smiled and said that she would be back soon, but after a couple of hours, we were very worried. We went off into the forest, but we couldn't find her. All we found was her cloak and an abandoned pile of fruit. Not knowing what else to do, Tk waited and waited, until he just about gave up hope. Without Raya there to help keep his spirits up, my words of encouragement barely did a thing for Tk. Suddenly, a little digimon named Demidevimon appeared. I didn't trust him and I still don't. He said that he was grateful and that he would go find Matt. I couldn't believe that one of Etemon's crazy henchmen was being helpful, but sure enough just a few minutes later he came back and said that Matt wouldn't be coming back and that he was tired of babysitting a crybaby. I tried to tell Tk that everything would be okay, but Tk wouldn't believe me at all. I confronted Demidevimon about his lies, but he didn't take any of them back. I attacked him and Tk saw. He took Demidevimon's side and we got into a big fight and Tk threw away his tag and digivice and left me here."

Tai and Agumon couldn't believe the story they had heard. Not only was Matt gone, but so was I and Tk was runnign around with a strange digimon.

"See Tai? We go away for a couple of days and everything falls apart." Agumon said.

"Hmm, first let's find out what Tk's up to and then we'll look for Matt and the others. Take us to him, Tokomon."

Tokomon nodded and led the two towards the amusement park.

~~~~Tk's POV~~~~

I sat with Demidevimon on the ferris wheel, but I wasn't having much fun. All I could really do was gently hug the white cloak Raya left with me.

"Whoo-we, isn't this a gas? We're having so much fun, huh?" Demidevimon asked excitedly.

I didn't answer him. I was thinking back to the time when we found Raya missing.


"Raya!" I shouted. She had been gone for a long time and I was scared and worried.

"Raya! Lunamon! Where are you?"

"Raya?!" Tokomon shouted for her as well. He sniffed the ground and jumped up when he caught her scent.

I quickly followed Tokomon to a deeper part of the forest, only to find nothing there.

All we saw was her cloak on the grass and a pile of fruit abandoned on the ground.

"She's gone. Just like Matt." I whispered, falling to my knees and picking up her cloak and crying into the cloth.

~~~flashback end~~~~

Even though I was thinking about Raya, I couldn't help but think about Tokomon, even when we went on all the other rides in the park, in the back of my mind I thought about Tokomon.

"You're not still thinking about Tokomon, are ya?" Demidevimon asked, "He made the decision to walk out on you. Not much of a friend if you ask me."

I sighed, "I know, but I can't help wondering if he's okay. Raya wouldn't like it if I left him alone for too long."

Demidevimon looked down, then back up again, flying in front of me with a smile.

"Hey, there's something I forgot to take care or. I'll be right back." He said.

"You're leaving me too?" I asked, worried that I would lose someome else.

"Just for a minute, trust me. You just stay here and have fun." Then he flew out of the rollercoaster car.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyWhere stories live. Discover now