Apologize (Rick)

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"Are you ready to go, Carl?" You ask as you peak your head into his bedroom. Your best friend was sitting on his bed, a comic in hand as usual, as he waited for your arrival. He looks up at your words and nods before rising from the bed and following you downstairs and out of the house. Today you and Carl had made plans to sneak over the wall and go explore the forest surrounding Alexandria. Carl had done this many times alone, but you were the only one who knew. This was the first time for you and you were excited to get back outside the walls.

It felt suffocating being inside the walls after all that time on the road, but Rick had a strict rule that you and Carl, the youngest two in the group, were not allowed outside the walls alone without some type of adult supervision. You were a couple years older than Carl, already 18, so you thought the "adult supervision" rule was a little ridiculous, but Rick was in charge. Initially, you had been hesitant, but Carl had told you that Rick and Daryl were heading outside the walls on a run early that morning and would most likely be gone all day. So, this was the perfect opportunity to get out without him finding out.

Luckily, the streets were empty for the most part as you and Carl left the house and headed across the street towards the portion of the wall Carl usually used to sneak out.

"I'll go first," He volunteers and you nod. Strangely enough, you felt a bit nervous about sneaking out. Not because you were afraid of what was outside of the walls, you were more than capable of taking care of yourself. It just felt almost wrong to be defying Rick's orders so blatantly, but there was only a slim chance of him even finding out so you forced down the anxiety bubbling within you and climbed up the wall after Carl.

You swing your leg over the top of the wall and see Carl waiting at the bottom, a smile gracing his features.

"Well, are you comin' or what?" He jokes, feigning impatience. You stick your tongue out at him before climbing down the exterior side of the wall and jumping down once you get a couple feet from the hard ground.

"Ta-da!" You laugh, extending your hands above your head. Carl shakes his head at your silliness before turning and motioning for you to follow. You and Carl have been walking for a while when you hear the sound of footsteps crunching in the leaves on the ground. Carl looks back at you and puts his finger up to his lips, motioning for you to be silent. You nod and grab your gun from your belt, flicking off the safety just to be prepared.

Carl leads the way towards the noise and you follow diligently behind, ready to defend yourself if need be. You and Carl don't find anything and chalk it all up to it just being an animal running around. You holster your weapon and tell Carl that you should probably be heading back since you'd been gone for a while.

You both don't even make it five feet before a figure steps out from behind a tree, weapon raised at the both of you. Both you and Carl freeze until you realize the figure is Daryl.

"Shit." You curse, shaking your head slightly.

Of course, we'd get caught the ONE time I go.

"What the hell are you two doin' out here?" Daryl demands, lowering his crossbow, but keeping his terse demeanor.

"Okay, okay listen. Why don't you just forget we were here and we'll head straight home and never do this again? Sound good?" You try to bargain, but realistically you know that he won't go for it. You look over at Carl and he doesn't seem nearly as nervous as you do.

"I thought you and my dad were goin' on a run today?" Carl asks.

"Change of plans. Decided to go huntin' instead, now come on let's go." He says, motioning for the two of you to walk in front of him. You've never been less excited to see the gates of Alexandria than you are right now.

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