Equals (Rick)

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Credit To: premiumcable.tumblr.com

You awake when the bed begins to shift as Rick gets up for the day. Turning over, you can't help but admire the view as Rick pulls on his jeans before grabbing a button up, sliding his arms into the sleeves before bringing it up on his shoulders.

"Morning," You whisper, and Rick turns to look at you, smiling.

"Good morning, you. I didn't think you would be up for a while." He teases.

"Well, you did wear me out last night," A small smirk crosses his lips as he tucks his shirt into his jeans before grabbing his gunbelt from the dresser.

"Where are you headed so early?" You inquire as you sit up in bed, holding the sheet up to your chest as you yawn.

"I'm going to talk to Deanna about the walkers in the quarry. We need to come up with some sort of plan. I'm taking Michonne, Maggie, and Daryl with me for 'back-up'."

"I can come with you," You offer, but he shakes his head softly.

"Why don't you stay here with Judith?" He suggests and you nod your head at his words, trying to quell the feeling of disappointment building in your chest.

"Alright, I'll see you later," Rick leans over, brushing his lips over yours softly before pulling away and walking to the door.

"Ok, love you!" You reply and he responds in kind before shutting the door behind him and leaving you to your thoughts. It frustrated you that Rick always left you out of important things. You hardly ever went out on runs and your main job was to take care of Judith. It wasn't that you minded taking care of the little girl, she was perfect and you loved her dearly, but part of you felt like Rick didn't treat you as his equal.

You knew that this insecurity stemmed from the age difference between you and Rick. By now, you had to be in your early twenties and Rick was in his early forties. You didn't have an issue with him being older than you; you just didn't want to be treated like a child. You wanted Rick to know that he could rely on you for anything and treat you as his partner. Such a big part of his life was being the leader of your group and it felt like you were being excluded from that.

The baby monitor on the nightstand begins to make noise as Judith lies in her bed and babbles to herself. You take that as your cue to get out of bed and tend to the child. She sits up in her bed when you open the door and reaches her arms out to you, asking to be picked up.

You spend time with Judith all morning, playing around the house before putting her down for a nap around lunch. Carl walks in around that time and after you fix him something to eat, you ask him if he'll watch his sister for a while, to which he agrees.

Taking the opportunity to walk around Alexandria and get some fresh air, you notice Glenn and Tara readying a car. You run over towards them, and they smile as you approach.

"Hey, guys. You goin' on a run?"

"Yeah, we were supposed to be going with Nicholas, but he bailed at the last minute." You shook your head softly at their words; you weren't surprised. You had heard nothing but bad things about the guy since you all arrived in Alexandria. Honestly, you were surprised he was still allowed on runs after what happened with Aiden.

"Mind if I tag along?" You ask, itching to get out of these walls. It felt like it had been ages since you'd actually done something useful.

"Not at all, go grab your gear and we'll leave in ten," Glenn says and you turn to run back to the house.

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