Dont Shy Away (Daryl)

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"Mornin'." Your dad, Rick, says to you as you walk down the stairs of your new house in Alexandria. Your entire group had only arrived there a few days prior, and you're still adjusting to the new lifestyle.
"Morning, dad." You smile, walking into the kitchen and pouring yourself a glass of water. "Where's Carl?"
"Convinced him to go and introduce himself to the other kids 'round here. There's a couple of guys and I think a girl that are his age, thought it'd be good for him." He tells you, shrugging his shoulders. "You know, it wouldn't hurt for you to get to know some people too."
"I'll think about it." You dismiss him, not planning on 'thinking about it' at all. You've always been shy and very introverted- meeting new people, or even becoming friends with the people who you've known ever since the outbreak began was hard enough. You've grown more comfortable with the group throughout the years, but a mixture of your shyness and most of them still viewing you as a child although you are very much an adult now, have prevented you from growing close enough with anyone besides Michonne, who has acted as your mother ever since the prison.
"Don't forget there's that party tonight Deanna is throwing us, the welcoming thing." Your dad calls out as he walks out the door. "I expect you to there!"
"Don't count on it!" You yell back, shaking your head.
The whole welcoming party wasn't your scene, and if you're honest, you don't want to be stuck in a room with strangers for the night. The one person that you wouldn't mind going to see probably wouldn't be there anyways- he hates parties.
Daryl Dixon has a trance on you. You can't help it- you're greatly attracted to the man, and you want to melt every time you're around him. But despite knowing him for years now, you two have never had any real, deep conversations.
It's not that you don't want to talk to him- you do. But every time he tries to initiate a conversation with you, you get all flustered and can't seem to respond without blushing like mad.
Sighing, you take your glass of water and head out of the front door for some fresh air. You sit down on the steps of the porch, enjoying the warm sunshine sitting your skin. Being outdoors and not having to feel the threat of walkers is one luxury you'll never get used to.
You spot Carol and Daryl walking down the road towards your house, deep in conversation. You take a sip of your water, hoping they don't notice you, but Carol's warm, welcoming smile and wave towards you tells you otherwise.
"Hey, Y/N." Daryl nods as he walks by the front of your house, smiling slightly. He didn't smile often, but when he did, you loved it.
You blush slightly, nodding in response as you pretend to be suddenly very interested in your fingernails. You wish you weren't like this- shy, timid, and always getting nervous when Daryl speaks to you. It's not that you like being shy, it's just your personality.
Half of you is thankful for that, though. Your harbored feelings for the man are quite strong, but you know that he'd never return the feelings for you. You're half his age, and he most likely still views you as a child, just like the rest of the group. They all still treat you like a little girl who needs protection from the world, despite being twenty one years old. Not only that, but you're his best friend's (and the group leader's) daughter. If you were outgoing, and actually let him know of your feelings, you know you'd be crushed by his probable rejection. So, in your mind, your shyness was actually saving you from heartbreak.
'Or preventing you from getting fucked, hard and fast, every way possible from the man that is Daryl Dixon.' A thought enters your mind, but you shake it off. You feel stupid for even thinking those thoughts, but you can't help it. Being a virgin, and being around Daryl all the time made you think all sorts of dirty thoughts.
"You goin' to that party tonight?" Daryl stops in front of your house, waving Carol goodbye as he walks up the steps of your porch. You turn your body around to face him and he sits down beside you. He looks impeccably handsome today, more so than usual. He's wearing a grey long sleeve t-shirt along with dark jeans and work boots. You're definitely a fan of Daryl covered in dirt, but you don't mind this Daryl, either.
"Probably not." You respond, your heart staring to race for no reason. All he was doing was sitting beside you- why do you get so nervous around him? "You?"
"Nah." He shakes his head. "Not my scene. Surprised your dad aint makin' you go, though."
"He's trying to." You give Daryl a small smile.
"Well, if you need any company tonight, let me know. I aint doing nothin'." Daryl gets up, giving you a smile as he begins to walk back down the steps.
"I might."
You watch him as he walks away, thinking about his offer. You know he was probably just saying that to be nice, but your heart flutters at the fact that he invited you over to his house. He's never made any kind of move like that before- the only conversations you two have ever had have been about killing walkers and about your dad.
You get up from the steps and walk back inside, setting your cup into the sink and then leaning against the kitchen counters. You want to go over to Daryl's house, but you can't help but feel like you shouldn't. You're afraid that maybe Daryl was only joking when he said that.
"Hey sis, you watching Judith today?" Carl walks through the back door, joining you into the kitchen.
"Yeah, she's asleep upstairs still."
"I saw you talking to Daryl. When are you going to let him know how madly in love with him you are?" Carl teases you, making you give him a playful punch to the arm.
"I am not in love with him." You roll your eyes.
"Mhm, sure. Just make sure that Dad doesn't find out, you know how protective he is of his 'little girl.' I don't think he'd take very kindly to the fact that you're in love, or whatever, with his best friend."
You bite your lip, knowing that he's right. But, nobody knows about your feelings about Daryl except for Carl, and you plan to keep it that way.
The rest of the day goes by dreadfully slow, and by the time the party rolls around, you want nothing more than to just lay down in bed and go to sleep.
"You've got to come, five minutes at least." Your dad steps into your room, a pleading look in his eyes. "We're tryin' to give these people good impressions and let them know we're thankful that they're letting us stay here. You're my daughter, you've got to at least make an appearance."
"Five minutes?" You question, not believing him.
"Five minutes. Then you can leave."
"Fine." You groan, getting up off your bed. You walk over to the dresser, going through the clothing and makeup that the residents of Alexandria have been so kind to loan you.
You pull out a pair of light wash skinny jeans along with a nicer tank-top, the colors of each suiting your skin perfectly. You replace your pajamas with the new clothing, along with sandals.
You decide on leaving your hair down, which was a rare occasion for you since you typically insisted on having it in a ponytail. You bypass the makeup all together- your mom never taught you how to apply any, so you're pretty clueless in that department.
"You ready?" Rick comes back into your room.
"Yeah. You suck, by the way." You move away from the mirror, making your dad smile.
"You know I wouldn't make you come if you didn't have to. Just introduce yourself to a couple of people and then you can go."
You, your dad, Carl, and Judith all make your way out of the house and walk down the street to the party. Just as you expected, the place was full of people. You walk inside the house, everyone greeting you guys warmly.
"Hi, welcome!" A lady comes up to you, shaking you hand.
"Thank you." You say quietly, smiling at her and shaking her hand back.
You're there for about a half an hour, introducing yourself to everyone. Most everyone seems nice enough, but they all seem so oblivious to the outside world, and it's baffling.
"I'm outta here." You approach your dad after you've successfully greeted everyone in the room.
"See you at home later." He says, and you almost run out the door.
Almost immediately, you feel better once you step outside and away from the stuffy air of the party. You take a deep breath, starting to walk down the road. It's a really nice night out- not cold, but not hot enough to feel uncomfortable. The sky is clear and all of the stars were shining brightly.
"Nice night." A voice comes from behind you, making you jump. You turn around and see Daryl standing there, walking behind you.
"You scared me." You admit, and Daryl catches up to you. "What're you doing out here?"
"Takin' a walk. Was gettin' tired of sitting inside my damn house with nothin' to do. Thought you might show up but I see Rick convinced you to go to the party."
"Ah, yeah." You smile. "Wasn't too bad."
"Bullshit, I saw you practically run out that door."
"You caught me." You laugh, something you haven't done in a long time. "It was... stuffy."
"Figured." He snorts. "'Ya can still come over, if 'ya want. Aint like we got anything else to do."
"Sure." You respond, and you follow Daryl over to his house. You're beginning to feel a little nervous, but you try and shove it away. You don't want to be that shy little girl anymore.
The two of you walk inside of his house, and you sit down on his couch. Daryl grabs a bottle of whiskey, holding it in his hands as he joins you on the couch.
"You don't gotta drink if you don't wanna, but I am." Daryl opens up the bottle, drinking it directly from the top instead of pouring it into a glass.
"Fuck it." You mumble, grabbing the bottle once he finished and taking down a huge gulp. It burns your throat and you wince at the feeling, making Daryl stifle a laugh.
"Y'know, I think this is the most you've ever spoken to me." He says, watching you take another drink.
"I'm sorry." You can feel your cheeks get hotter, blush creeping onto them. "I'm just not a talker."
"I aint either, it's cool."
"You certainly seem to try and talk to me a lot." You raise your eyebrows.
"It's 'cause you're the only person 'round here who I just don't get. You were so young when I met 'ya, and now you're this... woman... and 'ya seem so innocent, but then 'ya come over here and down whiskey better than 'ya dad does."
Daryl seems to be tripping over his words, like he's having to think very hard about what he's saying before it comes out of his mouth.
"You're not wrong. I am innocent." You say, taking another drink of the whiskey. It continues to burn your throat, but you don't mind. "First time drinking."
"You're crazy." He shakes his head, but you can see a small smile form on his lips.
You hand him back the bottle of alcohol, not wanting to get completely drunk. He takes it from your hands, taking a swig of it before setting it down on the table.
"Y'know, maybe this was a bad idea..." He trails off. "Rick would kill me if he knew I was drinkin' with you."
"Well, 'Rick' has no control over what I do. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions." You take yourself by surprise by your sudden hostility.
"You're still his little girl, that aint ever gonna change." Daryl says. "Trust me, I'm aware that you're an adult."
"Hm?" You ask, confused by the last part of what he said.
"Oh, come on, Daryl. You can tell me." You look over at him, facing your body towards him and crossing your legs on the couch. "It's not like I have anyone to tell."
Your heart begins to race at the thought of him potentially having the same feelings about you that you have towards him. It's always something that you figured would only happen in your dreams.
"Well, ever since 'ya turned eighteen, I uh..."
"You want to fuck me?" You're surprised by the words coming out of your mouth. Blush creeps onto your cheeks immediately, and you look away from him. You're not even drunk- you've only had two sips of his whiskey and you're already a ball of confidence.
'Note to self- don't drink with Daryl unless you want to say things you wouldn't normally say.'
Daryl looks over at you, a look on his face you can't quite read. He glances down at your lips, and then back up at your eyes. You bite your lip, unbelieving that this is actually about to happen.
"No. Well, yeah, but... It's more than that, Y/N."
"You're gonna need to explain further."
"I, uh... Fuck, might as well just say it. I love 'ya, so goddamn much. I've been in love with 'ya for a while, but I never know how to tell 'ya."
That was all the indication that you needed. You smash your lips on to his, bringing yourself on to his lap to where you were straddling him. The kiss is full of passion, and it's everything you could have ever imagined. You've only ever kissed one other guy, but Daryl is considerably better than it than the last.
His lips move perfectly with yours, going at a rhythm that both of you were comfortable with. The both of you taste like whiskey, but it's a taste you don't mind. He's perfect. You begin to slightly grind your hips against him, earning a small moan from Daryl.
You pull away, resting your forehead against his. You're both out of breath and smiling larger than either of you have in years.
"Seems like that was quite overdue, huh?" You whisper, and he nods. His eyes are full of lust, his pants growing tighter by the minute, and damn does that turn you on.
Deciding to be bold, you reach your hand down to his pants and begin to palm him through his jeans, making Daryl gasp and take a hold of your hand.
"I-I thought 'ya were innocent?" He looks at you.
"I am." You say, leaning down to his ear.
"But maybe I want to change that." You whisper seductively, unzipping his zipper and palming him on top of his boxers.
"Fuck, Y/N," He groans out in pleasure. You slide his jeans and boxers down to his knees, finally grasping his hardness in your hands. You give it a few pumps before licking the tip, earning another moan from Daryl. You take him fully into your mouth, sucking your cheeks in and bobbing your head up and down. His hands travel to your hair and grasp it, making you moan.
"Ya like your hair bein' pulled, huh?" He asks, and you moan in response. He pulls your hair harder, and you can feel yourself getting wetter. You slide down your pants and underwear, allowing yourself to rub your clit while moving your mouth up and down on him.
He suddenly pulls you off of him, and you glance up at him in confusion.
"I don't wanna cum in your mouth, not today." He explains, and he picks you up and carries you to his bedroom. As soon as you reach his room, he slams the door shut and throws you on the bed, pulling off your shirt and bra, bringing his lips to your neck.
"Give me hickies, Daryl, mark me up, make people know I'm yours," You breathe out, not caring about the consequences that may bring in the future. Right now, the only thing that matters is you and Daryl.
He does exactly as you say, sucking at your neck and trailing his way all the way to your stomach.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so beautiful," he breathes out, staring at your body. His hands trail down your body as he brings face down in between your legs. "I'm gonna get you ready, ok? It's gonna feel good, I promise."
Daryl licks a long strip up your clit, making you moan out in pleasure. The feeling is unlike anything you've ever experienced, it's indescribable. He begins to go faster, entering a finger inside of you while he works with his tongue.
You quickly feel your orgasm approaching, and you begin to buck your hips involuntarily against his face. He uses his other hand to hold your hips still, going faster as he senses you're approaching your orgasm.
"Oh, fuck, yes, Daryl!" You cry out, riding out your climax. When Daryl gets up, his lips and beard are coated in your wetness and it only turns you on more.
"Good?" He asks.
"Amazing." You breathe out, at a loss for words. Daryl positions himself over you, aligning himself with your entrance.
"This might hurt at first, but I'll try my best to make 'ya comfortable." He says, and he pushes himself into you slowly. It's a little uncomfortable, a slight burning sensation overcoming you, but after a few thrusts it's gone.
"Oh!" You moan out, gripping Daryl's shoulders as he moves in and out of you.
"Fuck, 'ya feel so good," He grunts out, moving at a faster pace. The pain has gone away and now all you're feeling is pleasure. The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and both of your loud moans.
"Fuck, oh fuck Daryl, yes!" You can feel him hitting up against your g spot, bringing you on the edge of coming for the second time tonight.
"I'm gonna cum, oh god," Daryl slams into you, his cock twitching. He saying this brings you to your orgasm, making you scream out his name during the process.
Daryl pulls out of you, frantically looking for a place to cum. You sit up, bringing your mouth up to his cock and letting the spurts of cum shoot into your mouth.
"Oh, fuck, how do 'ya manage to look so innocent even covered in my cum." Daryl groans, reaching into the dresser and handing you a towel. You wipe yourself clean and lay down in bed beside Daryl. He wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you two into a spooning position.
"Does this mean you've officially opened up to me, no more shy Y/N?" Daryl teases, playing with your hair.
"I'd definitely say you've earned it." You giggle. "I love you."
"I love 'ya too."
"What're we going to tell people?" You ask, suddenly realizing that you're very marked up.
"Let's not worry about that right now." He mumbles into your neck. "Stay over. We'll worry 'bout that tomorrow."
"I'll stay." You say, enjoying being with him. "Goodnight, Daryl."
"Night, Y/N."

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