The Real Me (Glenn Rhee)

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The adrenaline was addicting. The blood that sprayed your skin when you sliced a walker just the right way was oddly satisfying. The thud of them landing dead at your feet filled you with excitement. Maybe it was the way you hid your fear from yourself. Or maybe you just needed everyone's praise to fluff your ego. You weren't sure anymore. But in any case, the whole group never needed to worry about your safety.

You'd been on a run with Daryl and Michonne for maybe a week. You weren't entirely sure what day it was since there weren't calendars or phones to look at anymore. Luckily, Daryl and Michonne had a clue.

"Y/N, are you insane?!" Michonne shouted over the chaos as you'd essentially cornered yourself, slashing at every walker who snapped a little too close to you. The three of you had come across a small, out of the way drugstore on your way home to the prison. You all had gathered quite a bit in your travels but more supplies were never a bad thing. Unfortunately, the drugstore had become surrounded and if you didn't leave quickly, you wouldn't be coming out alive.

But god, that adrenaline was addicted. Your clothes and your skin were coated in dark red, coagulated walker blood but you barely noticed until Daryl had a hold of your arm and was dragging you away.

"Don't got time for this, girl," Daryl snapped, "Got what we could."

You yanked your arm from Daryl's grip once you all were out of harm's way and could take a minute to catch your breath, "I was just fine you guys."

Michonne leaned against a tree and shook her head, chuckling lightly, "How the hell can this be so easy for you?"

"We've all had enough practice to be used to it," you replied, glancing at Daryl, "Looks like I've got more stones than you do, buddy."

Daryl grunted, narrowing his eyes as he stormed off, heading towards the prison, "Whatever. Come on, gotta get back to the prison. We should've been back by now."

Glenn had been keeping watch in the guard tower since dawn, joined a few hours ago by Sasha. The group was supposed to be back by now. They were at least two days late and that was never a good sign. Rick advised everyone to wait it out for at least another day before sending a search party. And even then, the search would be a short one.

"You think they're okay?" Glenn said.

"I'm sure they are," Sasha replied, leaning her gun against the railing to take her jacket off, "You know how Y/N can be. She's always taking detours and finding new things to look at and search. How she manages to come across these things, who knows."

Glenn laughed, "True. Y/N is a real scavenger. And it's like she fears nothing."

"Except maybe you," Sasha teased, raising her eyebrow, "She'll scream and shout but the moment you say hi to her she clams right up."

"I've never once see her get loud," Glenn countered, "Not even a little bit."

"She seems to like you more than the rest of us," Sasha said. As if on cue, a dark grey truck came tearing down the road with a motorcycle following close behind. Sasha leaned over the railing, calling out to Carol and Carl down below by the gate, "They're coming! Open the gate!"

The two of them ran across the yard, pulling on the chains, the gate creaking and groaning as it slowly opened up, allowing you, Michonne, and Daryl to pass through. The gate shut with a slam and the chains rattled while Carol, Carl, and the others rushed to greet you.

"We were so worried," Carol remarked, "How bad was the trouble you got into?"

"Maybe if Y/N wasn't so damn reckless, we would've been back by now," Daryl muttered, nudging you as he handed his bag off to Carol, "Got us into some shit on the way back."

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