It Doesnt Even Matter (Ron Anderson)

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Nights were never calm anymore, not for (Y/N). She was terrified to close her eyes; she was terrified to sleep. She didn't want walkers to come and kill her, it was her worse fear. It had become a harsh reality and it wasn't something that she often thought about.
However, the threat of walkers had become painstakingly more dangerous. She had become more aware of it. Ever since she saw one outside the wall and how it tore open a stranger, she hadn't known what to do. She was horrified.
She was sleeping over at her boyfriend Ron's house. She was doing so because her parents were arguing again. She didn't want to try and sleep to that again, not that she was getting much sleep anyway. She walked up to her boyfriend's room and opened the door quietly.
It was already late and she was sure that he would be asleep. However, he was not. He was playing his game, which was less terrifying to her. He was playing it with no volume because his parents and brother were already asleep. She walked over to him, already in her pajamas, and crawled onto the bed beside him. She got under the blanket with him and wrapped her arms around him comfortably. She snuggled into his side.
He wrapped his arm around her and grabbed ahold of the controller again. She held her gently, smiling to himself as he thought of her right there with him. She was already almost asleep. She was just so tired, but Ron did not seem to notice at the moment. He had noticed before though, how tired she had looked just earlier that day, and the day before.
(Y/N) was soon fast asleep against him. She was snuggling into his side and holding onto him tightly. Not much longer later, Ron had stopped playing his game and turned it off, along with the lights. He returned to the bed and encircled (Y/N) into his arms. He ran a hand through her hair before he closed his own eyes.
(Y/N) started to squirm in her sleep, an uncomfortable and terrified look on her face. She was whimpering, and it was loud enough to wake Ron. He looked over to the clock. He had only been asleep for an hour. He looked back at (Y/N) to see her eyebrows scrunched together and her lip quivering in her sleep. She let out a blood curling scream, but Ron was quick to cover her mouth.
He eyes shot open, her tear ducts prickling with tears. She had a petrified look in her (Y/E/C) eyes and she looked ready to start wailing. She pulled Rom closer to her and she hide her face in his shirt as she began to weep.
"They're coming, as many of them as there are," she cried into his chest. Her voice was somewhat muffled, though still loud. She shook her head and sobbed. "They all are coming, Ron! They'll kill us all!"
Ron shushed her and ran his hand through her hair. He looked at her, gently pulling her face from his chest. He shushed her again and kissed her nose sweetly. She was clearly upset, and he wasn't completely sure about what.
"It's alright. It's alright," he told her. He kept repeating the words until she was no longer upset. He wiped her tears away and looked into her pretty eyes. "Who's coming?"
"The walkers," she whispered loudly and sucked in a breath. She looked ready to cry again, but she didn't want to wake anyone else so she was holding it in.
He pulled her close to him and shook his head. "They won't get to you. I swear. I won't let them."
"You mean it?" she asked as she hiccuped.
"I mean it with my whole life."

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