Dating Negan Includes

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-Being way to scared to even look at him at first

-Him probably beating himself up at night realizing he should have said something sweet, rather then threaten someone to get your attention

-Him getting worried when ever you go on a supply run and decide that it would just be better if you didn't go anywhere without him

-Him getting jealous just by the littlest things

-Drinking scotch with him on last days while playing pool

-Always having intense make out sessions

-Being the only way to be able to calm him down

-He will bring you home the greatest gifts because he loves you and just wants to see you smile

-He gives you everything you want without even having to ask, he just knows you that well

-Mind blowing sex all the time

-"Eyes up here doll and keep your mouth wide open"

-Very passionate and gentle sex when he's in the mood for it or when he knows thays what you need

-Listening to his swearing 24/7

-Making you laugh with his stupid jokes everytime

-He always manages to cheer you up when you're down

-Not speaking to him for a few days because your bad and Began has to figure out which one of the stupid things he did pissed you off so much

-Always feeling safe and protected around Negan

-Him mentioning to everyone how sexy you are to him

-Him grabbing you by the back of your neck and pressing his forehead against yours whispering "I love you"

-Him just loving it when you show public affection forward him

-Sloppy kisses on your cheeks, forhead and lips as a way to say goodmorning

-Him not being able to imagine his life without you around to make him laugh or laugh at him

-He freaks out everytime you get the smallest of scratches

-He makes sure everybody respects you or he takes care of it

-He treats you like a queen really

-He always makes sure to hold you while you fall asleep because he knows how much you love it and how safe it makes you feel

-Him having a major Daddy kink and you playing along because you know he likes it and finding out you have the same kink

-"Please Daddy" "Yes Daddy"

-"Be a good girl for Daddy baby"

-Negan trusting you completely

-Being terrified of loosing eachother

-Long, lip bitting kisses

-Negan finding out about an ex that hurt you and bowing to track him down and kill him slowly

-Getting him to open up about his first (and actual) wife, Lucile

-Being given your own baseball bay

-Soothing Negan whenever he is angry, which is like all the time

-A lot of calming back rubs, for both of you

-The rest of the saviors laughing whenever you sass Negan because you're the only one that can get away with it

-Your arguments get VERY heated

-He can never deal with knowing your mad at him

-Going on late night walks, hand in hand

-"I fucking love you, you know that?"

-"I fucking love you, you know that?"

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