Dating Merle Dixon Includes

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--Merle being an asshole at first and tying to get into your pants constantly. You resisting and slapping him to make him stop

--Him being impressed by your bold personality and slowing falling in love but denying it

--Merle trying to convice you that he can be soft and sweet only for you

--Him trying to prove himself to you and taking risks on runs to bring presents back to you

--You cleaning his injuries when he gets hurt while on a run

--You slowly understanding that he's different and he can change if he's with you

--You falling asleep on his shoulder one night while guarding the camp and him wrapping one arm around your middle to keep you warm

--Him finally asking you to be his girl when your alone in the woods

--You saying yes and kissing him, taking him by surprise. Him wrapping his arms around you and spinning you around as he kisses you passionately

--Talking a lot with Daryl because you consider him to be your brother since your with Merle

--Merle wrapping his arms around you from behind while your working with the other women

--Having loud arguments with Merle about stupid shit or his behavior towards the others

--Him apologizing by making Love to you in your tent when Daryl is on watch and everyone else is asleep

--You kissing him to make him shut the hell up

--Him slapping your ass as you pass him, earning a squeal and gasp from you

--You not being ashamed about your feelings for him, despite what everyone else thinks about him

--Having long chats over his past and trying to cheer him up as he explains how guilty he feels for all the things hes done

--You loving his soft carresses and his skin against yours

--Pulling pranks on him with Daryl

--You asking him to teach you how to track but you end up just making out in the woods

--Merle changing his bad habits for your sake

--Merle going out of his way to protect you from any harm

--Angry/Rough/Kinky basically all kinds of sex and anywhere with him because he's just that down to do anything with you and is damn persuasive

--Him smirking and always looking at you lustfully whenever he heard any sort of sexual innuendo

--Him still being able to make you laugh no matter what, even during an argument

--Him bragging to others about the perks of being with you

--Him pulling you into his lap when there isn't any place else to sit or really just when he feels like it

--Merle being able to fall asleep peacfully whenever you'd cuddle together

--Him having trouble sleeping if your not next to him

--Him reacting/turning to you if he heard the word "Daddy" come out of your mouth.

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