Dating Daryl Dixon Includes

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--Him hating you at first because he doesn't know how to deal with his feelings

--"Are you sure I can't braid your hair?" "Don't touch my hair (Y/N)"

--Daryl teaching you how to use a crossbow and you deciding to stick with your knife and gun

--"For God sakes Daryl take a damn shower" "Only if you take one with me"

--Daryl teaching you how to hunt and track

--lots of Kisses and cuddles when you two are alone

--Daryl whispering dirty things into your ear

--Always making sure Daryl eats at least some food everyday even though he always insists you need it more than him

--Always writting Daryl a little note when he goes hunting or on runs

--Daryl always putting your needs and well being before his own

--Sulking for a good hour because Daryl killed a cute bunny infront of you

--Rick giving you both knowing looks when you returned from a 'hunting trip' in the woods

--Trying to be secretive about your 'play time' together but somehow everyone always finds out

--You have a really bad temper and don't even try to hide it. But Daryl loves that about you, because he's the same way

--Daryl getting concerned and worried even if you just fall and scrape your knee a little

--You are the only person who can get Daryl to geniuenly laugh and smile

--You always being jealous of Carols and his friendship and how close they are

--Daryl might not always say how he feels about you and you understand that completly. He had a rough life and can't express his feelings well. But you know he loves and cares about you because he always trys to show you.

--Daryl being overlyprotective of you

--Daryl always holding you close when you sleep, sometimes even to the point where your lying on top of him as he holds you tightly. He just needs to be able to feel you and know your right there next to him and not going anywhere

--Passionate and rough kisses

--Him having cute little nicknames for you that you absolutely adore

--Not a lot of PDA, but overtime Daryl has gotten more comfortable and will occasionally give you a peck on the lips and will hold you in his arms in front of the group

--Daryl staring at you from across the room

--Him holding you tightly and whispering sweet nothings in your ear at the end of a long day

--Getting in arguments and saying things you don't mean to eachother.

--Making up a few hours later, not being able to handle seeing the other so upset and sad.

--Having mind blowing make up sex

--Whenever you go on runs together he always demands you stay right next to him and if you disobey him there will be consequences

--You always end up crying whenever you get in an argument or if he yells at you because you hate yelling and fighting and can't stand to be apart of it or even around it

--Him picking flowers for you when he goes out and brings them back, displaying them the best he can to impress you and make you happy

--Him trying his hardest to cheer you up when your sad

--Sweet forehead kisses and neck kisses to reassure you that your safe with him

--Tight, protective hugs. He holds you so close and never wants to let you go

--Sharing a ciggerate outside at night looking at the stars while everyone else is inside or asleep

--Sloppy, passionate, rough sex whenever you get some alone time

--Him always feeling at ease just by seeing you

--Him showing he loves you rather then just saying it

--Him loving to have rough sex but sometimes going a little overboard with you but always apologizing and making it up to you

--Your not aloud to go on runs without him

--Whenever he goes on runs he always keeps his eyes open for things he know you would love and bringing them back for you, just to see you happy

--Getting in lots of stupid fights about nothing

--Calming him down when he wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares and him doing the same for you

--Secretly braiding parts of his hair while he sleeps

--Daryl always taking care of you while your on your period which means lots and lots of cuddles

--Having late night conversations when you both can't sleep

--Going hunting together and it turning into a competion, but him always winning because he's the better hunter

--Laying your head in his lap while he tells you a story or your worried about something

--Him always being grumpy when he has to go on a run or hunting without you, because he's afraid that when he comes back you won't be there

--Cuddling with him under a blanket when it's his turn at watch and telling him about the costellations

--Him loving to watch you sleep. You look so peaceful and have no worries

--Him playing with you hair while you fall asleep. You whine if he stops playing with it, causing him to chuckle and resume what he was doing.

--Giving him baths when he's hurt and to tired after a hard & long run

--Making love in the shower because it's the only way you could convice him to take a shower

--You loving his soft carreses at night while you cuddle with him

--You loving his soft carreses at night while you cuddle with him

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