Never Letting Go (Daryl Dixon)

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It was nearly impossible to make Daryl Dixon smile or even say more than two words. It amused everyone how quickly you had changed him. Even now, he tried to hide it but you refused to allow it. Then again, ever since the moment he found you stumbling around the woods, leaving you alone with your bad knee gave him anxiety.

"Daryl, come on," you said as you held onto the railing of the staircase, "We've been in Alexandria for how long now?"

"Two months," Daryl replied.

"Right," you said, "I think I can handle the stairs by now."

"Just wanna make sure you're okay," Daryl said, "I know your leg's hurtin' all the time."

It was interesting that he mentioned it because your knee was throbbing like a bitch right now and it was best to get up the stairs in the next minute or you really would need Daryl's help. You reached out and stroked his stubbly cheek with a smile, "I know, you're so good to me, Daryl. But I'll be okay, really. Now I gotta get upstairs."

Daryl nodded but he stayed where he was, watching you start to walk up the staircase. You were determined to make it to the top just to prove to him that you could but about halfway up the stairs, you started to struggle a little. Daryl was up the stairs in half a second, lifting you up in his arms without a word.

"Well, that was embarrassing," you muttered as you wrapped your arms around his neck, "I'm sorry. It must be a pain in the ass."

Daryl didn't reply at first, just walked the rest of the way up the stairs into the bedroom you two shared. He laid you down on the bed and snatched his pillows from his side of the bed, tucking them under your leg. It was the usual routine but you never could get used to it.

"What's a pain in the ass?" he finally said.


"Why would you be a pain in the ass?"

"Because what guy wants to carry his girlfriend around all the time and take care of her like she's a little kid?" you ranted, "I hate to slow you down as much as I do."

"Ya don't slow me down," Daryl said, "And I don't mind doin' this for you. It ain't like you can help it. And you still know how to handle yourself. You're so damn stubborn you'll power through anything."

"What a lovely sentiment," you said, shaking your head and laughing, "But thank you anyway. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for me. I really do love you."

Daryl gave you a hint of a smile and leaned forward to kiss you. He rarely was the one to show any kind of affection so it was surprising every time he did. You knew that every time he did, something was on his mind. He pulled away and hung his head, his voice barely coherent when he spoke up, "I gotta go."

"Where are you going?" you said, "On a run?"

"Something like that," Daryl replied, "I just gotta go. I'll have someone check on you later."

Daryl got up and headed for the door. Despite being uncomfortable and knowing your limping could only temporarily keep up with him, you hurriedly got out of bed and followed him, "Wait a minute, Daryl!"

"Get back in bed," Daryl said with a sigh, "There's just somethin' I gotta do, alright?"

"Is this about Denise?" you blurted out, "And that one guy? Because for the fifteenth time, that wasn't your fault."

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