Reunion (Rick)

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It felt like years since you had seen your family. When the governor attacked, you barely made it out alive. You wondered for miles and miles on your own looking for some shred of evidence that your family had made it out and where they could have gone. But there was nothing, it seemed like they all had just vanished into thin air.

You had seen signs for somewhere called 'Terminus', but you didn't bother going. You had given up on pipe dreams like that a long time ago. And you didn't think that after what had just happened with the Governor that your group would be eager to meet with a new group of strangers.

At night you would climb a tree and tie a strap around your legs to keep safe, and you thought about old memories to curb the loneliness. Images of you and Rick would flicker through your mind; your first kiss, waking up next to him in the morning, how peaceful his face would look while he slept, and the look he would get on his face when he would watch you hold Judith. You didn't want to accept the possibility that he and everyone you loved was dead, but your search had come up empty.

Eventually, you decided to head north; you were from D.C originally and thought maybe going back home could help heal the parts of you that were broken. You'd had enough of Georgia and now it only held bad, distant memories that were painful. A run in with a group that had tried to pick you up on the side of the road had left you with more than just the scar on your cheek from a knife they used when they tried to force you into their car. They had kept going on and on about a hospital in Atlanta where everything was better. You didn't buy their line of bullshit and one of the male "officers" had pushed you against the car and put a knife against your face and threatened you. The knife you had hidden in your boot came in handy when you shoved it in his thigh and pulled your 9MM on the other man.

From then on, you went out of your way to avoid people. You were convinced that the last of the good ones had died in the prison that day where you should have too. A sickness somewhere in North Carolina had sidelined you for a few weeks, but as soon as you healed you set back on your journey.

When you made it to Northern Virginia, what little food you had with you became scarce and the forest was empty of game to hunt. While at the prison, Daryl had taught you how to hunt; nothing large like deer, but you could hunt rabbits and other small animals. Remembering what plants you could eat and which were poisonous was enough to get you by for now, but water was no longer a readily available resource and if you didn't find something soon you wouldn't finish your journey.

Walking through the woods you didn't see much besides trees, so when you saw what looked like metal fences in the distance ahead you became somewhat intrigued. At this point you were so hungry and dehydrated you were willing to take the risk and go investigate. Slowly you walked through the break in the trees and towards a large gate. You could see a sign pinned up on the fence: "Welcome to Alexandria Safe Zone: Mercy for the Lost, Vengeance for the Plunderers,"

"Well, that sounds somewhat promising," you thought as you moved closer, but you stopped in your tracks at the sound of a rifle being loaded. You look upwards towards the sound and see a bald, dark-skinned man staring down at you.

Raising your hands up, you spoke, "Hey man, I mean no harm. I just was hoping maybe for some food and water and then I can be on my way. I haven't eaten in days and I don't know how much longer I can go."

You see him turn around and step from his post and disappear. Confused you look around to see if there is anyone around you. The sound of the gate opening interrupts your canvassing of the area. You walk forward and see the man that was previously just pointing a gun at you and he was wearing a priest collar?

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