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You were still in my mind, lingering in the depths of it.
Similar to a candle, it's golden flame slowly burning out, as it projects a glow onto the dimly lit room.

I've tried to put you out, but as I exhale a breath of air from my lungs. You continue to burn, as I try to extinguish the thought of you with my every breath.

The oxygen feeding into the flame enlarging it, much like the continuous thoughts of you that too, seem to linger just like the burning flame.

The boiling wax drips down as it silently drops down onto the cool wax beneath. It's sliding down the wick now, as I let out another breath, as I desperately try to put out the glowing source of light.

A familiar scent of something burning and the dark smoke filling the air atmosphere surrounding me, providing me with comfort.

I've finally blown you out, extinguishing the endless what-ifs and broken promises, that you've forever burned into my mind.

The tiny dark cloud in my room evaporating in the air is now all that's left of the once golden wick that was once set ablaze and never put out.

The iridescent flame no longer ignited in my mind, body, or soul.

hi, my angels, I've missed you <3

The Words That My Mouth Failed to SpeakOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant