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I'm at constant war with myself. Forever trapped in my mind the sound of gunshots a constant ringing in my brain.

My past mistakes constantly playing like a broken record. The painful memories of the people I've lost flash before my eyes, like a video stuck on repeat.

The battle starts off calm disappearing for awhile, until eventually it comes back much stronger than before.

The soldiers seeming to rush in at a quicker pace, sneaking up on me, there are more of them than before. Catching me off guard, their blows and strikes causing a heavy amount of damage.

The scars from the battlefield have stuck with me, long after the war passes. A constant reminder to never let my guard down, as they can attack at any given moment.

The gunshots are soft and distant now as they begin to ceasefire. I know it's only a matter of time before the bombs begin to rain down upon me.

It's not a fair fight but what I've unfortunately had to come to terms with, is the fact that life isn't fair.

I start to zone out as I become succumbed to my thoughts, a deafening bang sends me back into consciousness as I begin to run for shelter.

The bombs are raining down at a rapid pace now the impacts becoming louder, almost ear piercing, the ringing in my ears is now overwhelming.

I put my hands over my ears trying to block out the explosions but it does no use to shield me from the sight I'm taking in, unraveling before me.

The wreckage and flames engulfing everything around me. The bright flames are a mixture of orange swirling in with brilliant shades of reds, slowly fading into bold blues.

They're so beautiful, yet so damaging. They're surrounding me now, the heat coming off of the blaze warming up my skin.

It's a comforting warmth at first, falsely leading me to believe that they could keep me safe. The flames are enclosing me in now, the heat now unbearable.

Just before the blaze engulfs me, I realize I'm sinking now, plummeting into a dark blue liquid, I'm drowning the liquid pouring down my throat.

I start to take my last breath then suddenly I'm ripped through the water, being pulled to the surface.

I'm coughing the water up gasping for air, my eyes dart around. The soldiers have me surrounded, they're the last thing I take in as a bright light flashes before my eyes.

I wake up the next morning taking in my surroundings, I'm safe for now but I know within my heart and my mind, they'll be back and I don't know if I can bare another fight.

hi my angels, how is your day going?

The Words That My Mouth Failed to SpeakDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora