The Clock is Ticking

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It's 12:46 a.m the faint ticking of the clock in my red room the vibrant color providing me comfort.

Time. It's something we all depend on whether we like it or not. Whether it's a deadline we have to complete, we're trying to get through something with patience, or even when you just need to be at a certain destination at a given point in time.

What has always intrigued me though is the fact that we all waste it entirely too often. Probably more often than we realize. Take advantage of time, it is not always in your favor.

I'm processing my thoughts as I glance up at the clock realizing an hour has passed. The ticking of the clock becomes soft background noise as I become lost in my thoughts.

We as a society waste valuable time, especially when we hold ourselves back from doing what we really want to do, in fear of judgement or the possibility of failing.

I've noticed people don't really start living until they realize times running out. I wonder why that is, I guess they get so wrapped up in living for other people that they forget that they're not here forever.

The ticking of the clock seems to become more and more faint as the sunlight pours through my opened curtains, indicating I've wasted a few hours wrapped up in my thoughts.

We need to start living for ourselves tomorrow is not promised. You're living yes, but have you lived. Have you completed everything you've been wanting to do in your lifetime or are you lost in society. Allowing it to have a hold on you, defining your soul and taking over your mind until your time is finally up.

Start living now, don't wait. If you love someone, tell them. If you want to travel, do it. If you want to try a new job or hobby, try it out. Stop living in fear, stop living for the people and live for you.

Do not let society define your soul and your mind, define yourself. If you start living for you, essentially people are going to follow allowing society to grow and prosper in time. Take advantage of time.

The faint ticking of the clock, has become louder now, almost pounding in my ears. Signaling that it's time for me to start my day. I don't know when my time will be up and I don't intend on wasting it.

hi angels <3
time is precious don't waste it.

The Words That My Mouth Failed to SpeakNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ