Wave After Wave

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Missing you comes in waves and tonight was a tsunami, each wave bigger than the last, wiping out my mind entirely until it's soon flooded with thoughts of you.

I run for higher ground but to no avail, I'm soon swallowed by the waves, thrashing underneath the surface as the different currents seem to drag me farther and farther out to sea.

I desperately try to swim to the surface, my arms feel like they're being held down as I stroke weakly upwards. I'm beginning to lose consciousness now as my vision blurs in and out.

The once brilliant shade of blue before my eyes has turned black, I feel myself sinking now. The bitter, salty liquid pouring into my mouth filling my lungs.

I hit the ocean floor I can feel the impact as the sand beneath me shifts and forms a cloud around me. The tan powder finds it's way into my throat suffocating me.

Memories of us flash through my mind as I begin to take my last breath. You said you'd always be here. The dreadful image of your dead body, the razors, and the empty pill bottle lying on floor is the last thought that goes through my brain as I feel myself turning cold. Struggling to breathe, I choke on the mixture of thick sand and water that has formed in my throat.

The familiar feeling of my cold bathroom tiles against my side sends me slowly back to consciousness, as I stare blankly at the bathroom door, my breathing coming out jagged and rough as I try to ground myself.

The paralyzing feeling of becoming numb is quickly crawling towards me again. Accepting it I throw on a hoodie to provide me with some comfort, the waves have left but the impact powerful and strong, much like the current that so quickly whisked me out to sea.

With the tide receding in front of me I watch in fear because I know that it will return again, possibly much stronger than before. With the tide comes the waves, it's all too familiar these days. The patterns forever staying the same.

The waves are crashing gently against the sand now, falsely leading me to believe I'm safe from their touch.

hi my angels <3
Thank you so much for 130 reads oh my gosh🥺✍🏽.

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