Chapter 8

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Minari <3: Hey, what u doing?

Me: Texting you duh -_-

Minari <3: Other than tat?

Me: Nothing-_-

Minari <3: Eh

Minari <3: Rlly??

Me: Yeah

Minari <3: Chae said u r chatting with girls :(

Me: WHAT!?

Me: Im not!

Me: Im chatting u

Me: ONLY U!!

Minari <3: Rlly?

Me: YES!

Me: The cub is lying!!

Minari <3: Eh

Me: Anyway, u will be jealous if im chatting with other girls??

Minari <3: NO!

Minari <3: IM NOT JEALOUS!

Me: Eh...

Me: Then i go chat with other girls now

Me: Bye :)

Minari <3: Yah!

Minari <3: COME BACK HERE!

Me: Yes, princess? ;)

Minari <3: You shld be loyal 

Me: Loyal?

Me: But i dont have a gf or a bf at all

Me: Who should i be loyal to??

Minari <3: Me!

Me: And y?

Minari <3: Coz im ur bias so u shld stay loyal to ur bias

Minari <3: Only ur bias! ONLY ME!

Minari <3: GET IT?!

Me: Ok, ok

Me: Get it -_-

Minari <3: Hmph!

Minari <3: By the way, are u coming to our concert??

Me: No, i cant

Me: Sorry :( 

Minari <3: Y?

Me: I have archery tournament

Me: The other 2 also wont be coming since they are also part of the tournament

Minari <3: I ask abt u not the other 2 -_-

Me: Tch!

Me: Im just giving you extra info

Minari <3: Good luck on your tournament then! :)

Me: Yeah, thanks!


"Momo is disappointed..." Dahyun said out of nowhere. We are in a coach bus with the whole archery club and also our coach. We are currently on the way to the tournament's venue.

"Why?" Chae asked curiously. We are sitting at the back of the bus. Eagle is sitting in between me and the cub. I sat beside the window.

"Why would Momo be disappointed? It's not like she know you exist!" One of the club members said from in front of us. Dahyun looks like she was to beat the person in front but the cub and i stopped her by gripping onto her shoulders tightly.

Fans To Lovers | MiTzuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें